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Everything posted by thu1478

  1. They don't appear to be replying
  2. If this server is whitelisted then can I join? My IGN is thu1478, i'll be on tomorrow.
  3. Can I join your server?

  4. Does this mean that the server is up?
  5. Ok thank you. (By 'very soon' i'm expecting at longest next week)
  6. Why is the server not up? You never did tell me why.
  7. Good question
  8. Can I join? My IGN is thu1478, see you there!
  9. It's still not up :(
  10. Ok thanks. By the way, at what time do you think the server will be up?
  11. I guess i'll be the first. My IGN is thu1478, see you there! Edit: The server wasn't up :(
  12. I have not tried it in a while so I do not know why
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