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Everything posted by ajrhug

  1. granted, some RPGmaker games like ib and yume nikki are great, but steam greenlight's nothing but this, flash games, and angry birds ripoffs
  2. congrats on being able to read but on topic: maybe the game messed up and switched EMC values for damage values?
  3. i like making large, intimidating structures out of dark blocks like basalt with minimal lighting outside. and for the factory look, smokestacks, lava rivers, and small orange people that ive enslaved
  4. industrial miner's ultimate techpack is fun, but tekkit's the perfect pack for SMP play
  5. thank you
  6. can RP2 pumps and pipes move buildcraft oil?
  7. with what ive heard of it, EE3 sounds much less Op and more in depth than simply building a stone>tablet>condenser array>lods of emone
  8. ee2 to make more things to craft science with im using industrial miner's modpack and bees are really handy
  9. would nuclear reactor land mines work? step on pressure pad, overloaded reactor turns on. DOOM
  10. i agree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,no one man can hold all this punctuation....................................................................................................................................... this is why the technic forums are great......
  11. filthy pirate, i shall report you to mojang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!punctuation!!!!! i will talk to notch himself if i have to!!!!!!!!!!!!! trust me my dad works at mojang!!!!!!!! his name is frank and he made the pistons!!!!!!!!!
  12. what's better: quantumsuit or the red matter gem armours like the abyss helm?
  13. someone should totally program a turtle that can speak
  14. turtles are like the flying power tools from the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy
  15. ajrhug


    super star thread?
  16. i really hate the ssp-smp conversion aspect of 1.3
  17. ajrhug

    The end...

    do terraformers terraform the nether and end?
  18. ajrhug


    i got my computer for 600 dollars and added an 80 dollar graphics card it runs probably better than an alienware
  19. is the dev build compatible with older versions of worlds? or, if you revert back to the stable build is it safe? i dont want to lose my hard work D:
  20. i dont understand am i lost is this a dreamnffjhjhjfhgfjgh0-------------------------------
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