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Everything posted by Sev

  1. Uh, I dunno sir. Maybe just play with the lag, most of us have to bear it.
  2. Yes, don't get used to EE2, just go play it. Heck, make your own modpack.
  3. Turn down graphics settings. Or go build your own computer (It's difficult. Don't even attempt it, it's like, typing code with a guitar, holding said guitar with your feet.) No sarcasm here, nope. No sir!
  4. that was the funniest thing i have ever read, quiet possibly.
  5. It's all you, Lethos! Do you have the correct build? Is it on the 25565?
  6. Sev

    Someone hire me

    I'll hire you buddy! install a bunch of mods (Make sure it says ask for permissions first on all of them.) Then box them up and post it on MCF! Also, install BWF!
  7. I'd like to note that, especially playing on a server I have a great deal of memory leakage. I never had this before, using the modpack at least.
  8. May I ask how you "Got into" coding? It seems rather complex to start doing. Like, what language did you learn first

  9. This is the best mod ever.
  10. I'm really excited about this; Especially should the liquor being produced capable of being burnt for power. That'd be cool.
  11. I watched episode one; rather impressed. May sub later, cant be asked to login to youtube though
  12. Hello everyone, I just want to say Tekkit is stupid. It's the utterest crap ever and I deleted my whole hard drive because I hated it so much. Now I got a new computer, so I can thank you for it. It lags so much, your mom can run faster than it. FTB, on the other hand, who HAS perms, run quicker than the rabbit in the rabbit and the turtle. You can't even scratch it. Have fun, Sct, Kaker, Cheap, all of you go jump in fire you fools. (That = most posts.)
  13. Who mines anymore? They use flying block breakeringshizzle. And yeah, it's in the dev build. Maybe you can teach me how to use CC...
  14. u haz 2 gret purms use fteb they hau zthem
  15. I will hop on the server (My first time ever ) and I'll go strip mine, ;D bear in mind I have to go do some work in a bit buttttt Edit: I went on the server and I was above blackness and it was raining. Like when you go to a mystworld sometimes, then java.exception or summit, then End of Stream when I try to relog, I'll go try again. Are you fellas on the server
  16. toreu cna u hel me i went un neuwolf webset and it sed i cn get a cpe but i dunt have it either? lalso i want condensers back plz i will get notch if you don't eadd them!
  17. Oh and Green, I think anyone'd use the liquid essence, especially if they have some sort of tank installed. If this was much more advanced, then you could have the essence being manipulated in some way. Perhaps you could convert it to evil version of essence.
  18. This post should hide and hope no mods ever find it. We shall all have babies for faces. ALL OF US! This thread is completely pointless. 'sentially
  19. Then there would be no economy, therefore no profit. (Guys you realize the genies are eagerly watching this thread, getting ideas.) I wish that I could build a different computer.
  20. It kills you. I wish you were un-killed.
  21. It shoots construction foam then you die. You drown in a unsolid-mass-liquid-whatever-it-is. I wish I could code. EDIT: Lethosos, my grandmother already is.
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