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Everything posted by Sev

  1. They used to call trampolines jumpolines before your mama jumped on them
  2. Sev


    Chillax. I won't, but I really like XyCraft tankz, because as my friend said about obsidian, it's prettyful
  3. Sev


    Not me, but from my first quarry. Ooh wee. I have more XyChorium than I know what to do with. Probably gonna make a XyCraft tank with RailCraft tanking material. lololol
  4. Sev


    You think? My iron is like, gone!
  5. Well, I guess we have nothing better to do. Gonna go play with bees. *sigh.* Guess I should figure out how to use these higher machines. FOR MAGICAL BEES
  6. Another week? This cannot be understood. Actually I'll go 'head and update the heck outta the wiki. Or maybe not. I'm so tired
  7. Sev


    Actually you can stack XyCraft tanks together, up. Meaning you make them max-wide, and the highest-evah! I love XyCraft tanks, I am gonna use them instead of RailCraft, mainly because they look nicer. Shame I literally wasted like, a ton of MJ and iron on that iron. But, yeah. XyCraft = The Best, ever. (Well, pretty cool. I really like ThaumCraft. Plus a few other mods. But it's really cool.)
  8. Sev


    I hate the pocket crafting table, I use it at the basic start of my game but dumping out items if you have too much inv space gets crazy. With a minium stone (Easy to get with a Soul Shards/vanilla spawner.) I have millions of the things. I have a wood farm so it easily pays for itself (wood - obby - iron - gold - diamond) etc. But I do much prefer the Fabricator. I'm really excited about how cool XyCraft is turning out to be. When I start piping lava from the nether, chances are I'll use Xy-tanks.
  9. You should be lukeb. I login easily with the new launcher. The link should be in the OP.
  10. *gulps in sheer levels of awesome-o-ness*
  11. Sev


    Lol, minium stone then, mage. I'm going to set up a system that I can right click, put items in, craft X amount of circuits. Honestly I used most of my iron Modular Powersuit-ing but it's still lovely. I also can start amassing EU by Solar Panels
  12. I love honey Badgers. Your momma's so dumb I lost my joke looking at her (That was horrible.)
  13. Sev


    Do it man. Phase out that nasty Project table and get beatiful Fabricator.
  14. But you use Green-cool-factors
  15. Who will use a mod with BuildCraft and such support, without it? Heck, who even uses Forge w/o IC2 and/or Buildcraft?
  16. I imagine the taskmaster kind of a wooden version of the TC3 Arcane Infuser, with a book on top. EDIT: FFS I double posted.
  17. Yeah, good on you Green.
  18. Oh yeah. Not much, but if you use it as supplemental, it's amazing. Utterly amazing.
  19. I like Neowulf's idea! It reminds me of when my mom used to keep a sourdough started. Don't put salt in yeast it kills them. Also, why'd you ever add Water, Neo?
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