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Everything posted by Sev

  1. Sev


    I know but he did list more than one American organization of stuff.
  2. AE gentlemanly beats the everliving hell out of redpower.
  3. Sev


    We're not all American you know.
  4. I think cool
  5. Sev


    *makes it total neferious*
  6. Sev


    So, hows about them Engineering bricks.
  7. Sev


    What if it bred.
  8. Sev


    Like Forestry's liquid DNA but like, with mobs? Coooool.
  9. Sev


    MFR adds a straw boom your lifes are better what if you drank liquid ender
  10. Sev


    The server parts would impode then explode then implode whilst the explosion occured. Also the universe would start having a spazz around it then BOOM Stuff.
  11. Sev


    Yeah, I will spawn molten Bacon. I know 'bout liquid glowstone. Funny story, the logic behind it is that glowstone flows upward in the nether, and condenses in the crystals. Some guy on FTB forums told Lemming that and Lemming liked the logic so.. yeah. And liquid ender is what you can't remember. It teleports you away.
  12. Sev


    It's like Ichor from pigs.
  13. *sighs and opens youtube and eclipse*
  14. Sev


  15. Mark, I'm going to try to start learning a little metric ton of code so I can help with MageCraft. I feel like a nuisance just sitting round, tossing ideas at you like a dog.
  16. Sev


    Someone said there was molten bacon. mhmmmm
  17. It'd be cool if the green one was some sort of protective version, designed to kill zombies. And revived from the bones of the other one or it could be a poison one
  18. It would be a cool idea to implement a system which involved essences and EXP.
  19. Sev


    Of course you'd love to hear Morvelaira's voice.
  20. YAY! Is it basically the same as 1.4.7?
  21. I am thinking of Corrupted essences being white with black specks. But I do like the idea of Corrupted Essence being used for Dark Magic. And I don't like the idea of a dragon boss, myself. Maybe a large golem? I love Prolo's idea too!
  22. I'm not sure what you mean Mark. I'm an idiot, EXPLAIIIIIN? I wonder if you should implement a corrupted type of each essence, and you need a pump, then some sort of refinery to make it more useable. But then again, a corrupted essence could be useful for darker magiks.
  23. That looks almost like the monkey's from the wizard of Oz. Interesting! I'm gonna reply here now, with what I just wrote on the original thread since I didn't know you made a new one. You should ask someone to close that one up and put a link to this one up! Are essences being kept and the same to the Multiblock chest / Arcane Engine? Also the pearwood? (It'd be just as good if you didn't add it but it doesn't matter.) Also, I have this cool idea about plants but I'll tell you later. I have to flesh it out more.
  24. Are you keeping in Essences? If you don't mind I'm gonna make a notepad and write all my ideas down, post them later.
  25. Sev


    Morvelaira's voice is extremely prettyful. Also, if you have heard KingLemming talk, he sounds like Nicholas Cage.. Also, why should storing liquids be expensive? Soon we can just place liquids down and use the ground as our storage..
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