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Everything posted by Sev

  1. I never have been able to install 7zip correctly for some reason.
  2. Sev


    I swear that if someone uses "codingspeak(maybe.exe?)" I will internet slap them.
  3. Sev


    Go learn
  4. Sev


    I want powernet!
  5. social..iz..ation? What? Epic ninja, Kocken.
  6. What if he doesn't have a smartphone? Also, IE is very good at downloading other browsers
  7. Sev


    No I have no sense of humor, really.
  8. Sev


    When has minecraft forums EVER been peaceful?
  9. How dare you Lethosos? We shall battle gloriously.
  10. Never used Firefox too too much, but I love Chrome. Mainly because of reasons.
  11. Which is why it's hard as hell to obtain. also it's a starcrystalblackholesingularityquartz sphere.
  12. He said earlier that it worked Also, I managed to get my mom to use Google Chrome. Win.
  13. Wot? No. Time travel doesn't work like that. You can make changes because it's already been changed. Or it can be Doctor Who and be in flux. Also I'd go back in time and meet fucking Mary Tamm and Elizabeth Sladen and do some other shit. Also watch EVERY Doctor Who episode the day it airs.
  14. Alright. Oh, I forgot to mention the important part of that upgrade: It compresses items into 1024 stacks items. Like if you drop two stacks of 64 it merges to 128. It's not a needed thing but that'd be fucking awesome
  15. I had this idea for an upgraded satchel version. The outside corners would be some sort of "astral part" or Nether star or even "Nether star parts" The middle would be a compressed black hole sphere, or some sorta thing. Maybe "Black Hole Singularity" Or a satchel. to the sides would be crystals filled with dimensional essence or some sort of thing. The top would be imperial. *sigh* I need to learn to code.
  16. Tell me all about it..
  17. I like the idea of the "basic" essences being fuel then the real essences being used for things. I bet it'd be cool.
  18. Hell's blazes, it's time for typing. Okay, I was actually thinking of multitude of essences. The fuel essences, I.E, Low, high, and a new one, Imperial Essence. Imperial cannot be created in the normal fashion. It must be refined or pumped from some source. There would be then; Low Essence, High Essence, Imperial Essence and Corrupt Essence. Corrupt essence should appear all over the overworld, randomly. As a liquid. You can condense all Essence types into "Essence Crystals." Which store them as a power supply. Then you can make a Essence renderer, and convert items into more defined Essences. These can be used for a variety of spells and machines.
  19. I was thinking High/Low Essence is more of a fuel, and there could be an Imperial Essence, but only capable of being produced from Corrupt Essence being refined. Eventually you can get the Plant or whatever essence, and you can condense the Essences into crystals for fuel. Mainly for machines. Pumping liquids around would be used for things. I'm working out the details
  20. I have some ideas to completely change how MC works (MageCraft) so.. tell me your ideas ?
  21. Yeah, I can sense the RP being replaced. I mean, more mods will work to replace what RP made. Frames, etc. Immibis Microblock, for Example.
  22. MFR is, dare I say? One of the best mods ever. Ever. Ever. Another similarly coolio mod is Modular Powersuits. Like, woah.
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