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About Gyrix

  • Birthday 08/19/1986

Gyrix's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. You can just create a new client on 1.1.4 and check for yourself then switch back to 1.1.3 if you don't like what you see. I did look at MFFS quickly in 1.1.4 and I didn't notice any new textures, but I was mainly looking to see if field fusion had been fixed or not. As for MC 1.5, no, it is still running on 1.4.7. However from what I've heard, this is the last voltz version before they switch over to MC 1.5.1 (which would be on voltz 1.1.5 i assume)
  2. You have to 'select' which attachment on the arm you want to use. The Default is none, so you have to shift right click to cycle through them (I think). Once you have one selected you should be able to just right click to utilize it. Cheers.
  3. A quick Google search brought up: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/970503-the-ultimate-guide-to-factions/
  4. Hey kent-ove andersen, So far your server is the only one with an expected age limit higher than 13 (i'm exaggerating a bit ) that I've seen so far (and hasn't been alive long enough to have people with a million nukes). Myself and a friend want to have more of a challenge than just playing by ourselves. We have a massive base with basically everything you could imagine but I'm more than willing to start from scratch if it means I can shoot missiles at non-pig people. I have some questions though; 1. A few times in the past when Voltz had gone through an update, blocks ended up getting switched around and items effectively got destroyed. Normally this is a 'whatever, we'll build it again' thing. But once we lost over 200 heat generators (which powered the fusion reactors and deuterium extractors), we used OP mode to give us those generators back. If this were to happen on your server, would you be willing to give us any items we lost on mass back or anything that would of been hell'a difficult to create? Anything relatively minor we never care about... If you ever tried to build that many heat generators from scratch you know our pain... 2. Would we have a grace period to build up? As in, you wouldn't attack us until we had gotten past the mud hut phase? 3. What version are you running at? 4. Do you take backups? (Sometimes certain items can corrupt the entire world, and losing more than a days work sucks hard) FYI; I'm 26, same as my friend. We both have microphones. Cheers, Gyrix
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