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Posts posted by Kr0nZ

  1. So I was trying to make microblocks out of some chiselled cobblestone, but even after adding the IDs such as '4:5' to the microblocks config file I wasn't able to get it to work.


    So after taking a look at another mod pack that allows microblocks to be made out of these chiselled blocks it seems like the problem it caused by two config options in the "chisel.cfg" file about overriding vanilla blocks.


    So in the chisel.cfg I changed the options:

    "disable overriding blocks" to true

    "override vanilla blocks" to false


    Then added the new block ids to the microblocks.cfg file and now I can make microblocks out of these blocks.


    The one downside to this, is that it changed all my vanilla chiselled blocks, (such as stone, cobble, iron blocks, etc), to the non chiselled variant, but I would rather be able to make microblocks out of these blocks in my world and just replace the blocks I already placed.


    Heres my new config files:








    Just thought I would put this here in case anyone else is having a similar problem. Maybe the pack could even be updated to include it, but as I said it will break some of the chiselled blocks that have already been placed.

  2. what content pack did you choose? I just tried futurecraft and for me it seemed like everything was in it.

    I successfully tested it by building a UTF Scimitar


    I also had to extract the file I downloaded cause none of the parts showed up for me in the vehicle crafting table


    on the page where you downloaded it from make sure no dependencies that are not included in bteam listed

  3. if you read a couple of posts on the minecraftforum where you got this mod you would have saw this post, along with many other similar posts as yours



    Which says there is no forge version of this mod, which means you have to install it manually, now I haven't had to install a mod manually since 1.4.7, but iirc all that you needed to do was copy the contents of the mod into the jar file of the minecraft jar, though Im pretty sure forge tries to do that anyway (or atleast it used to) so it's probably no as simple as doing that.


    If you are just playing singleplayer I would just recommend installing chickenchunks, which is forge compatible, will give you access to chunkloaders, and also gives you access to the /chunkloaders command which will show all loaded chunks (including spawn chunks)

  4. Hey guys! 

    First off, let me start by saying the mod pack is AWESOME. It fits my needs perfectly and I love it. Been playing it for dayz! I never used a Technic pack before because all the mods were so... industrial and complex! Too much work to figure out and everything. This one is the perfect balance of fun and complexity! 

    But, I have some suggestions! I almost wrote this on GenerikB's video but I figured the forum was a better place.

    First: CraftGuide- There are so many mods in this pack and not everyone knows how to craft everything. There is probably a way to find the item in NEI or TMI and find the recipe but I cant seem to find out how. (If anyone can tell me, that'll be great!)

    Second: Optifine- Well, obvious reasons! It boosts your frame rate and it has that handy zone thing going on! Also, theres probably a way to add it manually but I can't figure out how and I will most likely mess it up!

    Last but not least: TreeCapitator- I love this mod and it would go perfect with the mod pack because so many trees are really big and complex and really hard to get all the wood!


    I hope you keep these suggestions on your mind when you're looking for "more mods" to add.




    Handy ZOOM thing going on for Optifine, SORRY


    You might be having problems with NEI's recipe mode because you probably have it in 'cheat mode' still (thats its default mode IIRC). When you are on your inventory page with NEI showing, click options in the lower left corner then click inventory and change 'cheat mode' to 'recipe mode', now whenever you click on an item in the NEI browser the recipe will show and left clicking will show what recipes the item is used in


    You can also show recipes (in cheat mode) by hovering over an item and pressing 'r' or pressing 'u' to show what recipes its used in.


    You can also search NEI using the box that below your normal inventory GUI.


    Also the author of Optifine doesn't allow the mod to be included in modpacks, so if you need it then you have to install it yourself.


    Tree Cap make things too easy IMO

  5. It just needs it for the absorber, for some reason it they just dont want to connect to that block. but I tested a couple other of the LXP machine and they seemed to work fine with the liquiduct pipes

  6. Yeh I wouldn't dream of disabling it, tornados are epic lol.

    It actually did suck up all my cows, and some of my chickens, they landed all over the place, even inside my house. I had to run around with my safari ball to pick them up and put them back in their pen, it was awesome seeing them swirling around that beast though.

  7. So I was hanging out, semi-afk, waiting for my cow farm to produce me some delicious mob essence. When all of a sudden I start moving sideways, at first I thought my keyboard was glitching out or something.


    But then i looked up




    This is what I saw....






    Luckily it didn't destroy much, it tore some blocks off the side of my house, and left a trench



  8. the fluiduct wont connect directly to the LXP absorber, but you can put an openblocks tank in between the absorber and the fluiduct, just make sure you wrench the fluiduct so its in extract mode(red arrow will show), then give it a redstone signal, or install a pneamatic servo.



  9. those biomes are just rare in BoP

    you could always add the list of spawnable biomes? post it here so they can add it to the pack?


    While as I said Im no mod dev, but it looks like the creator of this mod hardcoded it directly into the jar file using the vanilla biome classes and ids, such as biome id 1 for plains, 2 for desert, 4 for forest, 16 for beach.. etc. BoP changes these so now ID's 118 is plains,  71 is desert,  76 is forest, but it keeps the beach biome as 16. Forge is looking for these vanilla biomes with the vanilla id to spawn the mobs in but becasue BoP overides them and inserts its own version with new ID the vanilla versions dont exist anymore.


    I found plenty of BoP plains, deserts, forests and no Darwin mobs spawned, but BoP doesn't override the beach biome and this is the only biome I have found these mobs in.


    Also there's no config file for this mod, everything is hardcoded into the mod file.


    The way I would fix this is setup a forge event listener for new biomes, then use a config file to blacklist biomes you dont want these mobs spawning in.

  10. So I been looking around my world for the darwin mobs, and the only place I have been able to find them is in 2 beach biomes.


    Has anyone been able to find these mobs anywhere else?


    I took a look at the code for the mod(im not a mod dev myself, but know some basic programming), and it looks like the mobs are set to spawn in "desert, beach, iceMountains, icePlains, taiga, taigaHills, desertHills, forest, forestHills, plains, extremeHills, extremeHillsEdge, jungle, jungleHills" biomes.


    I'm pretty sure 'biomes o plenty' overwrites all these biomes except for the beach biome, so this could be why I dont see these mobs anywhere else.

  11. Those mobs are suppose to look like that, they are peaceful mobs so they wont attack you.


    They are from the darwin mod.



    Dont know where your lag is coming from though, im still on my first map with no problems what so ever, I even added like 50 extra mods to the pack. And its not like I have a beefy PC im only running this on a laptop.

  12. How can i use dynamo's? I have them. Also I have coal generator, but it generates coal by using power which I can't find at all. Do you know how to collect cobalt ores at the nether? I have collected some but by using minions.


    Umm i dont know what machine you were using, but it wasn't the coal generator, the coal generator does indeed generate power for galacticraft.


    And a steam dynamo needs water and coal, water can be pumped into it using a aqueous accumulator

  13. Thermal Expansion has its own power generation using the dynamo's they produces RF and can be wired to your machines using energy conduit's. MFR can also takes RF. I'm not sure about galacticraft but I imagine it can also take RF, if not then it probably has its own power block.


    ETA: I just typed galacticraft into my NEI search box and I see that it has a power block called "coal generator" so if TE's RF doesn't work then use that.

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