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Everything posted by _Mataroyale_Modpacker_

  1. You become so punny that your friends/family hate you and send someone out to kill you. I wish I had some artistic talent.
  2. I think I actually cried. I was that disappointed.
  3. I was sitting in front of my laptop at like 1:00 in the morning praying the shop was online. It wasn't.
  4. I love games that give you serious mindf*ck. I always loved Portal. I'm gonna try out Antichamber and hey - 20 bucks ain't too bad.
  5. We try to help the person, but if their thread is low effort (i.e. HELP PLZ!! How do I turn on TMI????? or Teakit crashed. Plzzz help!), pointless (i.g. I can't find a way to turn off chat!!!!!!!) or rude (i.g. Technic sux. Go play MineZ), we might tell them some few choice words. It's not meant to be destructive by any means. We try to keep in the lines of the golden rule (don't be a dickbag), but we might stray and then it's the mods' job for banning and giving infraction points.
  6. Saving the world from people with no sense of humor since 1603.

  7. If I was talking to you face to face and you turned away, pretty sure that would be insulting. I am not here to make sure everybody is kind, but I know everybody should have decent etiquette.
  8. @totallyfakeperson: I know, this has been a total waste of my time! You should download it here: bit.ly/obviousvirus

  9. You have an ice cream sandwich and you get a brain freeze. It hurts so much you take a hammer and whack your head open to end the pain. I wish I was super smart.
  10. This whole thread is very...interesting. 1. Please use the proper format when posting servers! 2. Classic is working fine.
  11. You're being more annoying than him. He's being useful, and your just being insulting.
  12. I have scared everyone away from this thread.
  13. Got it. Not anything to far from the originals. Probably just scaling them down and maybe editing some of the colors.
  14. I love this mod and I am giddy once again at the prospect of moving stuff with frames in Minecraft. One thing got on my nerve however was that the textures seemed to Hi-Def and out of place in the pixelated world. I'm kinda working on something as a sort of set of alternate textures. Can I share them? Here's the Screwdriver: I basically just pixelated everything.
  15. Three Tekkits Exist. Tekkit Classic: The "Original" Tekkit that runs on Minecraft 1.4.7 and includes mods such as RedPower, IndustrialCraft, and Equivalent Exchange 2. These mods don't work with 1.5.1 so are grouped in "Tekkit Classic". Tekkit Classic is not being developed. Tekkit Lite: A smaller version of Tekkit that runs of 1.4.7. It will not be developed any further. Tekkit (i.g. "New Tekkit", "Tekkit I Don't Like Because It Has no IndustrialCraft or Redpower and I can't let go of the past"). Tekkit is currently the one being developed. It is considered more of an overhaul.
  16. JohnSmith, Isabella and Soartex Fanver all have complete packs.
  17. I know, but Ars Magica applies to that statement too.
  18. I posted this about Thaumcraft on a different thread.
  19. I think I just found out why this forum is crawling with snark and sarcasm.
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