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Everything posted by _Mataroyale_Modpacker_

  1. Team green is so mean.

  2. fun fact: hippo don't care if it ain't in his wawa. That includes fun facts.
  3. Hippo don't care if it ain't in his wawa.

  4. hippos don't care about anything if it ain't in his wawa.
  5. I've got a degree in changing people's view of life.
  6. And the avatar changes again...

    1. Ysharma


      WIth the fall of life on other planets due to the invasion of turtilism.

    2. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_
  7. The Technic Launcher carries Yogbox, but tech support is not given.
  8. Technic no longer supports Yogbox.
  9. Pretty sure all you need to do is drop the mo'creatures zip into the mods folder. Might need to change some ids, though.
  10. Link the post here. I want to add my two cents there. Hopefully without ruffling feathers.
  11. What angers the fuck out of me is when people claim Technic is "illegal and shit because they don't bother to get permissions. Don't play their game, they get all the money." Get your head out of the fucking clouds, people. Technic supports modders and modders endorse Technic. It isn't a hellhole filled with mods illegally stolen from the modders as I've heard people claim. Now if you excuse me, I'll be playing Tekkit.
  12. I just created an FTB account, but I'm too scared to start up the conversation. I would like at least some of those people to look at this thread. EDIT: I'm guessing they wouldn't ban you if you put up a real good argument.
  13. t's funny on the FTB forums the only thing the members have to say about Technic is "no permissions", then they repeat that sentence over and over again. I wonder how long it will take before people realize that Minecraft is a copyrighted game, and technically the modders should be happy that they even get to mod the game. So why are there permissions? Do I need permissions to download a picture of the mona lisa which someone scribbled over?
  14. Awhile, since every mod will have to update.
  15. The technic team does not support custom modpacks. I suggest you talk the creator.
  16. Technic came first, and seems to still have a lot of loyal followers, but FTB is newer, which is bound to draw some eyes of of Technic.
  17. L4D2 is not R2D2's brother.

  18. How do you know what my brother looks like?
  19. You mean her. I'm not a guy, thank you very much.
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