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Everything posted by _Mataroyale_Modpacker_

  1. It is normal again then you die of boredom. I wish magic existed.
  2. You could say it was hard to "de-scythe-er". Half the fun in modpacks is finding out what stuff does for your self. For example, ICBM's bombs and missiles are only fun when you're the one setting them off, not watching other people do it or explain it. Why, the whole point of Thaumcraft 3's research system is to create something yourself, not sneak onto someone's youtube page to see how to do it. Explore it yourself!
  3. Take out all your saves, go to .technic and delete the "voltz" folder. Then try reinstalling it. If it works, you can move your saves back.
  4. Yogbox is still in the Technic Launcher, but is no longer being supported by the Technic Team.
  5. I wish I could live forever because I am so original.
  6. You lose control of the powersuit and your jetpacks malfunction and you crash into the empire state building and you die and then the auto-destruct function blows up the US.
  7. I was going to draw about how I was playing Hexxit on my crappy secondhand computer and I was lagging so much that this wild horse killed me, but I decided my style of drawing people was absolute crap, so instead I shall put this “NeoKitten” drawing I drew at like midnight using Sketchbook pro and a touch pad. EDIT: I'm now really self-conscious of this. Ugh...
  8. I'm so mad my laptop can't handle minecraft and my computer's hard drive is being fixed right now! God, at least one more day of waiting for me...
  9. Don't talk to me. I am on probation and I do want to yell at you for being a newbie. That would mean me getting banned or somethin'.

  10. When do lions have two eyes on one side of their face?
  11. The mod is Redstone in Motion, and you can find it in the mod section of the forums. It might be just a replacement for the frames though, I haven't checked it out in detail.
  12. It is not being a dickbag...although I did get told off for that. Too far?
  13. Kitty Jail? Be nicer to those poor little guys, last thing they need is for a big angry Super Troll rampaging and calling them a nubcake.

    1. watsonj11


      how is his profile still here? that is confusing

    2. okamikk


      I shall never cease to exist.

  14. I shall now perform "Minuet in G Major" for 33 minuets.
  16. The forum's resident modder, jakj, has created a RP2-like mod.
  17. Cancer killing Tekkit? Tekkit has no breasts, or brains, or skin. There is no cancer.
  18. | p|+y +h3 f00| \/\/h0 +h|nks h|s c0/\/\pu+3r br0k3n.
  19. MRTIANS DONT LIVE ON DA MOOOOOOON!!!! FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL. LOL, U FAILED! Of course, if any sane person would want to understand it: I think you made a mistake, Martians don't live on the moon.
  20. Godwin record? Methinks so.
  21. OMG like LOL!!!!!!!!!! Wut do u mean not seriuz? Dat tots seriuz!!!!!!!!!!!! D-dubs is so seriuz, he'z like master @ seriuz! Please use subtle sarcasm when replying. The more obvious it is, the more newbies will mistake it for the real thing.
  22. Soupa is banned for being a girl. I am the only girl here.
  23. Armenian/Canadian/Vietnamese Goddess of Sarcasm. And kicking your butt. Can't forget that, can we?

  24. He did join today. He just doesn't understand that we do not accept sarcasm here in these forums. Nyet!
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