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Status Updates posted by _Mataroyale_Modpacker_

  1. Just a Mata in it's natural environment.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Richs_Yard
    3. Richs_Yard


      Now that is not as menacing. I love it because of the Borderlands-comical-type-look

    4. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      Because it's from borderlands 2.

  2. Just give me my fucking cake already, GLaDOS.

  3. Kitty Jail? Be nicer to those poor little guys, last thing they need is for a big angry Super Troll rampaging and calling them a nubcake.

    1. watsonj11


      how is his profile still here? that is confusing

    2. okamikk


      I shall never cease to exist.

  4. L4D2 is not R2D2's brother.

  5. Life's a lot more fun when you aren't responsible for your actions.

  6. Mark me absent.

    1. Munaus


      I've marked you observant

    2. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      I only appear when I care.

  7. Mostly for the entertainment value.

  8. Oh, you survived. That’s interesting. I guess I should have factored in your weight.

  9. Painkillers really sap your common sense.

    1. TheBytemaster


      And your pain. Which is good, because otherwise they'd just be stupid pills. Heaven knows we don't need anything like that.

  10. People who do stuff for the lulz obviously don't have the time to write laugh out loud, but still have time to do stuff for the lulz.

  11. Proud server of Teekit Lunchers.

  12. Qui est ton petit chou?

    1. holymage!


      i am your lovely right?

    2. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_
    3. holymage!


      but i do know darling....

      ps, i'm not a cabbage

      funny enough i could acually figure most of that out my self....just didn't know what Suis and chou meant...

  13. Quoth the raven, "Nevermore".

  14. Reality has hampered my progress as a human being.

  15. Reality has hampered my progress as a human being.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      Birds have also hampered my progress as a human being.

    3. TheBytemaster


      Are you a potato?

    4. Richs_Yard


      Shes a spud, Hey spud!

  16. riot plz

    1. TheBytemaster


      riot. whut r u doin. riot. shtap.

    2. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_
    3. TheBytemaster


      riot I will giv 5 stars to u if you nerf the laser.

  17. Saving the world from people with no sense of humor since 1603.

  18. Seductive Sorceress in Training.

  19. Stop messing about and just give me ahri. pleeeeeaaaaaassseeee.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. holymage!


      (i just laughed at the irony)

    3. _Mataroyale_Modpacker_


      That gives me enough time to scrounge up that 975 RP.

    4. holymage!


      Fun fact of the day: i was 2 weeks late and my parents were getting worried i would be born on Halloween...

  20. Team green is so mean.

  21. The best person no one ever liked.

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