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Everything posted by Dagger56

  1. You need BukkitForge and the "Plugins" folder needs to be all lower case
  2. Bukkit forge does not work with PEX on voltz either......
  3. Its stuff with the bukkirforge or craftbukkit version you have not working with voltz
  4. Try going into essentials and disabling essentials chat stuff
  5. I am trying to set up a voltz server with plugins but when I use Craftbukkit or BukkitForge permissionsEx doesn't work and groupmanager too Can anyone help me?I am using the correct versions.
  6. This.THis is a Tekkit restrict error....... any plugins LIKE tekkit restrict that prevent duplication?
  7. Plugins are: Core Protect Tekkit Restrict Essentials PermissionsEx(PEX) StopThatLag BuyCraft Votifier LWC (Used to have ClearLag)
  8. Title: ConcurrentModificationException Version: 3.1.2 OS: Windows 7 64 Bit Java Version: java 7 Description of Problem: These errors i believe are plugin errors but i cant seem to fix them.The server runs for a bit then crashes. Error Messages: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException Error Log: [23:48:11] java.util.ConcurrentModificationException [23:48:11] at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(HashMap.java:839) [23:48:11] at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:2448) [23:48:11] at net.minecraft.server.ChunkRegionLoader.a(ChunkRegionLoader.java:219) [23:48:11] at java.util.HashMap$KeyIterator.next(HashMap.java:874) [23:48:11] at net.minecraft.server.ChunkProviderServer.saveChunk(ChunkProviderServer.java:171) [23:48:11] at com.github.dreadslicer.tekkitrestrict.TRChunkUnloader.unloadSChunks(TRChunkUnloader.java:65) [23:48:11] at com.github.dreadslicer.tekkitrestrict.TWorldScrubber.doWScrub(TRThread.java:914) [23:48:11] at com.github.dreadslicer.tekkitrestrict.TWorldScrubber.run(TRThread.java:895) [23:48:11] at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextEntry(HashMap.java:839) [23:48:11] at java.util.HashMap$KeyIterator.next(HashMap.java:874) [23:48:11] java.util.ConcurrentModificationException [23:48:11] at net.minecraft.server.ChunkRegionLoader.a(ChunkRegionLoader.java:88) [23:48:11] at net.minecraft.server.ChunkProviderServer.saveChunk(ChunkProviderServer.java:171) [23:48:11] at net.minecraft.server.ChunkRegionLoader.a(ChunkRegionLoader.java:219) [23:48:11] at net.minecraft.server.World.a(World.java:2448) [23:48:11] at net.minecraft.server.ChunkRegionLoader.a(ChunkRegionLoader.java:88) [23:48:11] at com.github.dreadslicer.tekkitrestrict.TRChunkUnloader.unloadSChunks(TRChunkUnloader.java:65) [23:48:11] at com.github.dreadslicer.tekkitrestrict.TWorldScrubber.run(TRThread.java:895) [23:48:11] at com.github.dreadslicer.tekkitrestrict.TWorldScrubber.doWScrub(TRThread.java:914)
  9. Thats I dont see a version for 1.2.5 CraftBukkit R1
  10. Very sorry this happened because you were mod and i was changing permissions a littlebit.
  11. This is LegitTekkit. It's Legit. IP: Bored of boring server with hella banned items?Come join us we have a few banned items though and EE is fully enabled!We also have great staff that are always on to help you and your friends when ever they need. our plugins include: GriefPrevention Essentials Worldguard WorldEdit WorldBoarder PremissionsEx Votifier Clearlag Tekkit Customizer We don't have very many plugins making the server less likely to crash due to plugin failure! Why Join us? Firstly we are a small community server so there wont be 100s of people talking at the same time. 2nd Cool staff we wont just ban you for no reason and reasonable banned items not like some other server.(I've been on a server where they banned iron furnaces!) Banned Items List: Catalytic Lens,Destruction Catalyst,Evertide Amulet,Infernal Armor,Black Hole band,Ring Of Ignition,Void Ring,Mercurial Eye,Ring Of Arcana,Volcanite Amulet,Dm Hammer,Rm hammer,Rm Furnace,Cannon,Nova catalyst,Nova cataclysm,World Anchors,Tank cart,Turtle, and igniter Friendly players we are a community of friendly players that will usually help each other out! Rules: 1.No duping 2. No stealing 3. No spaming 4. No hacking pvping in claimed land is allowed and griefing unclaimed land is not allowed Our ranks are based on playtime and moderation skills. Member: default Trusted: Gets to control weather and shows the player is a veteran to the server!(gateway to Moderator) Mod: gets tempban,mute,kick is treated like staff! Admin: Highest rank a member can get can ban moderates the mods Owner: You cant touch this! Activities: Were working on them! so far we have parkore! its not that easy..... You get 1 Red Matter if you complete it to... Sadly our spawn is very bland If you have any suggestions please DO NOT hesitate to tell a moderator. I'm not gonna lie.... were pretty desperate for a good look'in spawn. Think you have what it takes to be a Mod?( You will NOT be mod first you will be trusted for a temporary amount of time.) Apply here: 1: How long have you been playing on our server?( helps to have played a week or more) 2: Why should we chose you? 3: What are your skills?( Permissions,Building,moderation?) 4: On a scale 1-10 how do player like you on the server? Voting, you will receive 3 diamonds for every website you vote at, Voting Links: ...(In progress)....
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