IGN: Rockzilla99
Age: 15
Why I want to be apart of the server: I'm looking for a server where there are good people who dont just kill each other just cause.
Am I familiar with Attack of the B-Team: Yes I am familiar with most of the mods in it.
What mods am I the best at: All tech mods, tinkers constructs, Sync
Will you respect other player,stuff, and Builds: Yes, most defiantly
How long have I played Minecraft: Since 1.5 beta
Have I ever made it into any other whitelisted servers: Yes, I have been on all kinds of servers, modded and not. I also was a co-owner on a server, but it got shut down because we ran out of money.
How much will you be able to play: I Cant allways play each day, but i will be on for a few hours each time.
What is my Skype: rockzilla99