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Everything posted by Lagnalok

  1. As I said earlier, it is aconflict between DD and GC due to each trying to registe rthe same world. This happens when any dimensional door / rift is created on any GC Dimension, DD will save this world to be registered on server startup / login in order for any dimensional doors inside that world to function. However, GC expects to be the only one to register its dimensions so it tries that without checking if that world is already registerd... thus causing that error.
  2. You don't even bother to read earlier posts to this thread so don't blame others to not read up other information... (I even linked to that page in my post and if you read carfully you can even see that the 1.6.2 recipe file will not work with 1.6.4). If there is a version especially for 1.6.4 (the one tekkit currently uses) and it is newer than the version for 1.6.2, then they normaly exist for a reason and should be used with the correct version of minecraft. As a hotfix your solution requires server and client to replace the mod with another version which either leads to players that don't do that not being able to join or if it they can that there is a chance for crashes/corruption to occur. On the other hand my solution requires to only add a single missing file to the server.
  3. Don't! That version of for MC 1.6.2 NOT 1.6.4... you basicly downgrade to an older version and this change will need to be made to every client that wants to play on your server to boot. Version 1.6.4-0.9.0-84 which is is currently used in tekkit works 100% fine, it just has the recipes missing which i posted above how you can fix it. This modification needs to be done only to the server, so anyone can still join without modding their tekkit. (unless they want to use mps in SSP too). ------- Technically, many mods in Tekkit are not yet full releases and in beta or even alpha state... or aren't realy stable builds... Also: I either got someting to add to that list or you fixed that already for the next version: Using an ME Storage Bus (AE) on a Deep Storage Unit (MFR) will crash the game (server) if the DSU is empty and the ME system tries to insert any item into the DSU. Possible Fix (not tested by me yet): http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2016680-162164-powercrystals-mods-minefactoryreloaded-powercrystalscore-and-netherores-updated/page__st__340#entry26599387
  4. Can confirm this, dimensional doors registers the GC worlds when loading its saves and GC tries to do the same later but can't anymore (as they already are), This causes the server to stop there (showing up as being online) and crashes the client when trieing to join.
  5. whops noted i linked to the wrong version of the mod... that also causes the problem for your Ric. Download the gfile again for the correct version and it will work (just tested, didn't work for me either untill I updated the recipes) http://build.technicpack.net/view/MachineMuse/job/ModularPowersuits/84/
  6. Hey i found out why Powersuits can't be crafted in Tekkit 2.2.0: Currently there is a file missing in: [root]\config\machinemuse\recipes called "ThermalExpansion.RECIPES It can be downlaoded here: http://machinemuse.net/download.php http://build.technicpack.net/view/MachineMuse/job/ModularPowersuits/84/ or to be exact from here: http://build.technicpack.net/view/MachineMuse/job/ModularPowersuits/84/artifact/dist/ThermalExpansion.recipes Please add this, thx =) Updated second link to correct version of the mps mod and add a link to the correct download folder after the first...
  7. It is indead a launcher thing, once you start the Technic Launcher it will login on the minecraft login server to get itself a Session Token that it then passes to any mincraft instances it launches. This means if the token is no longer valid you will always get a "bad login" error until you restart the whole launcher. Tokens get invalid due to inactivity (session timeout) or a new token gets created for that account (starting antoher launcher, loging in at minecraft.net, starting another mc launcher and so on). Ofcourse, if the Minecraft Session Server is down the same will happen.
  8. Some clearification on this thread before I start: No right now there isn't one and there isn't any release date known when it will come. In this thread I'd like to look at and discuss about changes in mods and their interaction with each other that will most likely affect how we will play in the future version of Tekkit. Or so to say, to do some prep work before we get hit in the face by a few drastic changes. Informations can change over time and craftign recipes are those that they come with without changing anything - so they will probably change when tekkit updates. So, hello everyone =) Currently I play arround with a custom modpack for MC 1.6.4 that uses similar mods like Tekkit and I noticed a few drastic changes in how mods interact/work that will affect the ways that many people used to play Tekkit in. Let's first take look at some important Minefactory Reloaded (MFR) changes: 1. Bio Reactors: The efficiency values to turn bio mass into bio fuel changed as follows: #Types of different items. old efficiency -> new one 80 -> 5 180 -> 25 300 -> 70 440 -> 150 600 -> 275 780 -> 455 980 -> 700 1200 -> 1020 1440 -> 1425 As you can see, low efficiency setups take a heavy blow and won't be useable anymore as it will take more energy to produce all the items it will use of only few types. Note: this dosn't change how much bio fuel is produced per tick but how much items are used up in order to make it, it is a common miss information that efficiency changes how much bio fuel is produced over time: Efficiency changes how much bio fuel is prouced per item! 2. Changes in the Rancher: The rancher used to milk cows or squids like creazy so it was easy to gain an infinite ammount of milk or more importantly ink sacs. This is not the case anymore, the rancher will take not which entities it already worked and wil rotate trough any entitiy in range wit a small idle time then when it dosn't find a new one run trough a long idle time. This means that after an update a setup that used to get somthing like 20k ink a minute would now take seval hours if nto days to produce the same ammount. 3. Changes to the Grinder: Mobs killed by a Grinder will no longer spawn other mobs, this means a autospawner-grinder-setup to spawn and kill slimes will no longer produce more essence than it uses in the process. So now it is a must to use either normal spawners (portaspanwer to move them) or using breeder-grinder setups in order to farm mob essence. 4. Deep Storage Unit (DSU): DSUs are easier to use as now itmes can be pumped in and out from any side. Right now there is a bug that crashes the server when using a ME Storage Bus from Applied Energistics (AE) with a DSU that has no item in it and the Bus tries to insert an item... hopefully that will be fixed by the time tekkit updates. Next we have Galacticraft (GC), lots of new stuff in there but it is now far harder to make a rocket and lift off to space. You'll need a few new blocks and items: Circuit Fabricator: 2 Aluminium Ingots, 2 Aluminium Wire, 1 redstone torch, 1 furnace, 1 lever, 2 Buttons Used to make different types of wafers, the base cost is 1 Diamond, 2 Raw Silicon (minable), 1 Redstone Dust plus power and another ingridient depending on the type of wafer you want to make: +1 Redstone Torch = 3 Basic Wafers or +1 Redstone Repeater = 1 Advanced Wafer or +1 Lapis Lazuli = 9 Blue Solar Wafer Compressor: 1 Basic Wafer, 1 Copper, 1 Anvil, 3 Alluminium Used to compress 2 metal ingots into 1 compressed version (like Compressed Iron), 2 coal and 1 Compressed Iron to make 1 Compressed Steel or 2 Compressed Steel, 2 Compressed Alluminium and 2 Compressed Bronze to make 1 Heavy-Duty-Plate. Nasa Workbench: 1 Advanced Wafer, 4 Compressed Steel, 2 Levers, 1 Redstone Torch and 1 Workbench. Tier 1 Rocket in total: 31 Heavy-Duty-Plates, 9 Compressed Steal, 3 Compressed Tin, 1 Tin Canister, 1 Flint and Steal, 1 Button and one Redstone Torch. Refinery: 2 Compressed Steal, 2 Copper Canister, 2 Stone, 1 Furnace Fuel Loader: 5 Compressed Steel, 2 Compressed Aluminium, 1 Basic Wafer and 1 Tin Canister 9 Launchpad: 3 Block of Iron, 3 Compressed Iron Yeah not so cheap anymore... But we get to explore Mars and they gave us Solar Panels for energy production =) And then there is Thermal Expansion 3... well i'll focus on the basics here... just far to much cahnges ^^; They introduced Itemducts, which do basicly do the same as BC Pipes but better. They can move whole stacks require only a redstone signal to pump and even that can be removed if upgrading the duct with a pneumatic servo - this also alows to set filter options for both extraction and insertation with the choice to set ti to blacklist or whitelist mode. There is only one Tesseract now and it can do energy, items and liquid at the same time. Send/recive and ignore options can be set seperatly for each of those. Energy Conduit, Energy Cells, Porable Tanks and Strongboxes (Chests that work like Portable Tanks) come in different tiers now. Low tier stuff is easy to make (especially opaque versions of *ducts as they only require Lead and not Hardened Glass) but limited in its usefullnes. Each tier costs more than the previous but gets more powerful as well - most of the time you can/must use the lower tier to craft the higher ones but in some cases you can't. TE3 uses its own energy system called redstone flux (RF) now, thought TE3 can convert RF to MJ it can't convert it the other way arround. MFR, AE, GC and Atomic Science (as well as some other mods) can as well accept as produce RF, so only BC engines won't work with TE3 - TE3 dynamos (they renamed engines to dynamos) ar now aviable in more variations and can be used with any kind of fuel now (need the right type). Energy conduts can now only be connected or diconnected usign a wrench, there is no input/output mode anymore. This functionality got moved to Redstone cells where you can now use its GUI to set for each side if it should accept energy (blue), output energy (copper/orange) or ignore it (yellow). This feature also allows to put energy cells dircetly next to each other or even into cubes for expanded energy stroage - you must set them manualy to the correct modes thought. So, anyone else noticed something in the future versions of mods that will change how people will play Tekkit?
  9. Warning: Only go in there with an empty inventory... happend often enough to me to find a completely empty pocket dimension on the other side... meaning no floor to stand on and you'll most likely drop out of the world if that happens.
  10. Hm that shouldn't happen unless there are some Server Plugins interfering, roll backs (i doubt that one thought, you would have noted that hehe) or smotehing similar. Natural rift anomalies (thos fields of rift that eat blocks) only get spawned when a chunk is freshly generated. So there is no natural way this should happen, however there are quite a few ways to cause this manually: 1. Having dimensional doors close to each other 2. Using Rift Signature to cause new rifts to form 3. Using one of the right click abilities of the rift sword 4. Exititng a Pocketdimension trough a wooden door Option 2 and 3 are commenly used to grief and they don't get logged by anti grief plugins/block-loggers (or atleast I don't know of one that does), thats why DD is either completely disabled or those items are banned. Once a new rift anomaly is created it has a fairly high chance to create a new rift. However, that new rift will have the propability to create yet antoher new rift spawned in half, so they won't spread indefinitely. Sadly, there are no blocks that will shield off a rift anomaly. There are blocks that won't be eaten thouhgt: Bedrock, Emerald, Diamond, Gold and Iron Blocks (not ores). MFFS Forcefields seem also to not be eaten, mabye they get replaced to fast to be seen thought, thy won't shield either and other MFFS Blocks will be eaten even thought they are indestructible.
  11. The infinite Blaze Rods weren't the problem =) My autospanwer/grinder setup for Slimes and Blaze together with the magma crucibles just drained tons of power. However, I used my standard spawn room setup so there should be room for improvment to make it more energy efficient. Hope you will be sucessfull in making a usefull design ;-)
  12. First off, a magmatic engines in Tekkit 1.1.10 (just tested them in SSP Creative) produces 17952 MJ per bucket of lava, wheter they feed into energyconduits or machines directly. (BoL = Bucket of Lava) Here are the options to make Lava without pumps: Lava Fab: Uses 20KMJ/bucket, so its a no go. (1 BoL -> ME -> LF = 0.880 BoL + 352 Mj leftovers) Magma Crucible: Stone, Cobble, Obsidian: Takes 24KMJ for one BoL, works even worse tahn the Lava Fab. Netherrack: 12 KMJ per BoL, makes a solid 5 KMJ profit but requires manual Labor to resupply the Netherrack. Blaze Rods: 4 rods use 8KMJ to turn into 1 BoL, 10KMJ Profit its quite nice but thats only if they farm them manualy and that be crazy to farm a decent amount of them. Using MFR Autospawners and Grinders (maybe even portaspawners to move vanialla blaze spanwers) to automate it turned will works when built correctly and on a large scale... but won't generate much power aside what it takes to keep the whole thing running. My fazit is: If you can't pump from the nether or from mystcraft ages stick with netherrack. If you can't get into the nether at all or don't like that you have to make runs into the nether to restock on netherack you'll need to switch over to another energy supply. In that case I'd suggest bio fuel as I prefer that thought using nuclear power works too (fusion can be automated completly).
  13. Age: 25 IGN: Lagnalok Why Do you want to Play on this Server? Searching for a stable server + Joining my friends Syznow and Royalogic. The last few had problems with crashes, needed to rollback quite often or simply closed down due to the problems. What Do you want to Build? A full modern city
  14. IGN: Mango_Junior Posting this for another player that seems to have problems posting here. and another one having problems making an account here (authentication emails seem to not get send...) IGN: ac1999
  15. IGN: Lagnalok hoping to join some friends on this server =)
  16. hm thats wired, i tested you setup with 8 stirling engines and it worked well
  17. Sooo, Terge is it then? Or Torge? The later sounds a litte bit likee torch thought... i like it xD
  18. well, you will be stuck at 12-16% per distribute with this setup anyways which is about 1 - 1 1/2 block radius... - Did you hook them up properly? They realy care what side you connect to which cables - Are the Cables actually connected and not broken somewhere in between? those are the only reasons i could think of why it should not work
  19. as Technic Platform isn't a company but a non commercial private project, I doubt they are interested to buy a domain... especially if they already have one. Nor do I think they are going to make localized versions of their website for Austria (or any ohter country) anytime soon. Wouldn't make sense either as the mods would need to be multilingual first and I doubt that's their top priority.
  20. or "Tekkit: A New Frontier" as the description link on the webpage is called
  21. Yep, that was the only modul that managed to drain my power reserves in a matter of seconds... and didn't even find a diamond xD
  22. The sorting after type realy is a pain but it helps to save time later so i don't mind that but i guess thats question of opinion ;-) As for the duplicates, I don't care about those while sorting, i just put them in and use them up whenever I need them - takes less time as going trough all books looking if I already got that one.
  23. how many collectors and distributers are there?
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