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Everything posted by Lagnalok

  1. I think you are used to an older version of mystcraft, look up the mod page for full instructions: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/918541-151-mystcraft-0103/ There isn't a recipe for a descriptive book anymore, you use a writing desk to write pages, place them in a book binder together with at least one pice of leather and you will be able to bind a descriptive book. For easier page handling, take a empty note book and place it on the right side of the writing desk in the upper left box, now you can write several pages at once. After yu have all you pages you want, take the note book out and right klick to order the page as you want. After that you can open the Book Binder interface, take you filled note book and klickwith it where the pages go, they will be placed there in the same order as they where in the note book (the note book will be empty and ready to be used again after this) :-) Oh and a note of warning, linking books can be crafted by crafting a single book by it's self, however it will always link to the current dimension you are in. So, never forgot to take one with you as it's also no longer possible to build nether portals in any pocket dimension or mystcraft age. (and some worlds won't have everything you need to start age hopping to search for a star fissure).
  2. The Buildcraft for Minecraft 1.5.1 has a few such leaks causing such lags- aside from pipes, BC oil does the same. As soon as all mods have updated to Minecraft 1.5.2 they want to release a new Tekkit version with a BC that should solve those issues.
  3. Galactic Craft - drops them on the moon ready for you to pick them up Mystcraft - drops them to leave giant holes (and some ores) , kill you or destroy your base in unstable ages - dosn't leave fallen meteors thought.
  4. My installation does exactly the same when I start Tekkit, it freezes up and even the "tekkit has stopped working" screen appears, however that doesn't actualy mean its broken. In my case Tekkit is just taking it's sweet time aquireing its RAM loading all mods. The reason? Because my system is cheap: Win 7 - 64bit AMD Athlon II X4 620 (4x2.6 GHZ) NVIDEA GeForce GTX 260 4 GB RAM (<- main reason, but the motherboard can't fit more) It normaly takes about 30 seconds to a minute, if much is going on in the server i run at the same machine and that I use together with a friend it can take up to 5 minutes to get past the mojang screen. It could be that something similar is happeing to you: Open the the tastk manager (ctrl+alt+del) after launching tekkit and watch how much ram it uses: The mojang screen appears at about 600.000 K ram The main menu arround 860.000 K After joining my local server it goes to about 1.000.000 K before running smoothly (20-40 fps in the main world where all the machines are / 60+ everywhere else - no optifine).
  5. or you can simply open the interface and switch where what goes in and out, no tool required - works with all TE machines, one of the neatest things I've ever seen in a mod.
  6. yes they are the newest ones tohught you can uninstall the non 64 bit if you are on a 64 bit system and visa versa. Flying over your log, asides from the time out it seems like you two have either different client versions or one of you modded tekkit and the other didn't do the same. Also be sure that Java and Tekkit aren't blocked by local firewalls - that also prevents joining LAN Servers. Or your brother runs that many buildcraft stuff that you get disconnected even over LAN - BC currently has some kind of leaks that can make multiplayer quite impossible (Will be fixed with Tekkit 1.1 no eta, they are waiting for mods to update to MC 1.5.2)
  7. the only things i miss right now are: - frames: making big gates or shutters with them pepps up bases quite a bit, especially as my rocket launch tube has no way to be closed right now ^^; - place able solar panels: i just kinda miss the sight thought (especially for space stations) - force fields: could realy use them for mystcraft worlds with meteors or -again- for space stations. I could partly solve that by using micro blocks/colored glass to build similar looking things but it just has another level of feeling to it if those actually work
  8. Seems like a good idea, so here's my first short contribution: After starting a new world I search for a good place to set up my base. For me this means: - a nice large forest or plains biome for space to setup my farms - a "wild" dimension gate nearby - a close by cave entrance or ravine to make mining easy - a nearby oil source or lava lake (optional but helps with early energy needs) Now i set up a small wooden hut to store things and place a bed and set my sleep pawn there. Guess we all pretty much do the same to this point, but heres the catch: Before i go mining i make a run for the dimension dungeon, slowly advancing bringing back my loot after every room to be save in case i find an "Rocks fall, you are all dead"-room. This should net you the following things: Rift Blades(s) - as strong as a diamond swords but comes also with a few usefull tricks - like short distance teleports to target entities Rift Signature(s) and Dimensional Door(s) - use full to create "shortcuts" within the same world or different dimensions - the signatures can also be used to create an artifical ender spawner. Rift Remover - allows you to remove dimension doors that are in your way, or natural rift anomalies (those things black some like things that like to eat their surroundings and spawn endermen) Fabric of Reality - a black block easy to remove that emits a strong light, you need to hold shift to place a block on them as normal right-clicking with a placeable block replaces the fabric. Lots of random loot - Things to eat, buckets, seeds and even enchantment books are common loots, sometimes you can loot armor or tools too. And best of all, there's going to be no mobs to interfere with you while going to loot. Its not entierly safe thought: - use waypoints, signs or whatever you like to keep your sense of orientation - these dungeons can get rather complicated. - there are hidden traps and rooms that will just kill you if enter them and aren't fast enough to turn around and return, so return often and keep your loot safe. - if you die in in dimensional door you won't actually die, instead you will keep your inventory and be warped to a place called limbo, walk depper down there until you find darkr ground that will warp you back to the overworld, excpect to be off a few 10,000 blocks in either directon thought... and most of the time you will die due to fall damage after beeing warped back. After a few runs you should be rather well equiped and can go safely mining with benefits you normaly would only after a few mining runs. Even better, you can take a dimensional door and a rift signature with you - set the first point into your base (right click onto the ground) - go mining and after you are deep down open a rift (second right click to the ground) place the door (or use the rift blade for a temorary one) and you have a short cut from you base to the more valuable things. Just be sure let enough space in beetween doors/rifts (even different ones) or you will create a rift anomaly damging your base and spawn endermen to grief you even further - unless you want to farm ender pearls, in that case I'd suggest to do it quite a few blocks (10 is a good number) above the 5x5 area of a grinder from MRE (it will get you the pearls and the exp in form of mob essence) Edit: well not so short but it covers only pre-early xD Edit 2: oh and, you missed the (unversial) dimensonal doors mod in your list. -> http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1650007-151universal-dimensional-doors-v134-im-sorrybut-i-dont-understand/
  9. I'm not sure which mod adds it in but there is a "Hacksaw" (uses 4 iron ignots and two diamonds to craft) that behaves like the saws from micro blocks, works with nearly all blocks too. and there i got ninja'd ^^;
  10. you can also use BC Pumps over 3x3x1 water ponds. Not sure what's more effective thought, didn't use the accumulators yet. Large MRE Treefarms cut trough your energy reservers as they do trough their forest thought ;-)
  11. TE: it provedes every means you need to power all your machines - or store that energy MFR: Bio Reactors + Bio Generators are also a nice option, however to only run you stuff by those it could require quite a few big automated farms to effectivly run. (thought you would also get tons of wood so you could combine it with steam engines from TE). Magmatic Engines are the best option if you abuse some other mechanics.
  12. It's kinda like cheating but you could do the following: Gather enough Mystcraft Pages until you got atleast (Lava) (Ocean Biome) (Single Biome), add other pages as you see fit to create a stable world. Extend the spawning platform to build a pumping station using liquid - and energy tesseracts from TE to send lava home to your base and energy back - there you go, having a semi infinite lava source. It can happen that you get stuck in the spawining platform when using books to travel, you can do a workaround using a rift signature to build a DD connection between your lava world and your base. ... same would work with the nether, but the age will have more lava and noone shooting at you. And if you need an easy way to farm Ender Pearls for early/mid game: Make a few runs in those Rift Dungeons (those doors from DD that naturally spawn) until you got at least 4 Rift Signatures. Set up a Grinder from MFR into a 5x5 are and build wall up there about 10 high, build a platform there and extend a 2-3 blocks out and build another 10 block high wall and a celing (for better spawns). After that go one floor down, use the Rift signatures if possible as close together as you can to create an artifical ender spawner. Don't use more than 8 rift signatures or too much of the tower will be consumed from those rifts... or use piston traps to extend the 5x5 area enough to prevent that.
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