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About notmeagain

  • Birthday 11/09/1984

notmeagain's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. it can be as simple as just placing the mods files into the mods directories on both server and clients. You may run into block ID conflicts (Java errors on server startup, read through them and it'll say something like "ID: 1002 is allready occupied by Forestry.oreBlock.Apatite") To fix this, remove the mods, launch the client, NEI Options -> Dump available ItemID's, and use a free slot to reconfigure the Item ID that is conflicting (in the configs/modname.cfg text file). Then it's just a matter of sharing the modified config files along with the mods. Good luck!
  2. or publish a modpack The multiblock farms have been a curse for me, I just cannot generate the apatite required to maintain them... If another mod could somehow introduce a way to make forestry compatible fertilizer through a mechanic similar to the plantballs and dirt combo, that'd be great as I'd have my MFR wheat farms producing the plantballs which would in turn fertilize my forestry-bred-walnut tree farm to feed my frame construction machines which will assist in my bee productivity...
  3. Alternatively - if you are overall disatified with the results of the latest updates - you can always incorporate your own mods. I've added forestry, thaumcraft, ic2, railcraft, and a couple other "neccessities". That's what makes this modpack so great for me, it's a base with room to expand and no crippling restrictions on what i can do. Heck, I can even change the directory to trick mods like GregTech into thinking im not using Technic. Full instructions on creating your own modpack are on these forums.
  4. The next step would be to program a turtle to probe the nether for you - deploying it's own dimensional anchors as it goes. In the old tekkit I had a lava farm setup exactly like this - but pumping into ~500 geothermal generators. The lava doesn't last forever and the pumps have quite a limited radius (in the grand scheme of things). Once you've noticed the source blocks are no longer the majority of the pool it's time to move on.
  5. Is the repo path set up correctly in your instances? Both mirror and repo on my set up are: http://solder."myhostname".co.uk/repo/ This is working out fine. Repo resides in: htdocs/solder."myhostname".co.uk/public/repo
  6. Seems to be resolved now, I've just tried to replicate your issue and have been able to make a modpack and link it to my Solder installation.
  7. Did you try a completely clean install of the server? Wasn't aware that Tekkitmain uses craftbukkit.
  8. He's refering to his local area network IP Address, issued by his router. The principal applies, however the terminology is misleading. For some interesting "Teach thyself" learning, look up "DHCP".
  9. That's the cheats way, no matter how effective. I deliberately cripple myself by avoiding anything EE3 ;)
  10. you may need to switch on the liquiduct with a lever.
  11. Magma Crucible and Aqueous Accumulator piping into an Igneous Extruder will make Obsidian - mostly automated. You still need to feed the crucible with material to convert to lava, which can be done with turtles eating through the nether. The downside - the crucible requires a lot of energy, but this is what i have set up, I have thre further devices that are processing the lead and obsidian, baking the resulting mix.
  12. Looks ok to me. [color=#000000]{"minecraft":"1.5.1","minecraft_md5":"5c1219d869b87d233de3033688ec7567","forge":null,"mods":[{"name":"test-base","version":"0.1","md5":"b7f5d2a223e045c4d48690aee1e82ae9","url":"http:\/\/solder.awesonium.com\/repo\/mods\/test-base\/test-base-0.1.zip"},{"name":"test-config","version":"0.1","md5":"86d12f63563f7ff2f435c918362253f5","url":"http:\/\/solder.awesonium.com\/repo\/mods\/test-config\/test-config-0.1.zip"},{"name":"test-mod","version":"0.1","md5":"a974fd8f6cad7daf30eb356cb5befac6","url":"http:\/\/solder.awesonium.com\/repo\/mods\/test-mod\/test-mod-0.1.zip"},{"name":"test-core","version":"0.1","md5":"b107a0a4fa745b5dee758bfd7237a039","url":"http:\/\/solder.awesonium.com\/repo\/mods\/test-core\/test-core-0.1.zip"}]}[/color] [color=#000000]
  13. Well yes, it was pretty simple really. Once you understand how solder works you can do a request like: /api/modpack/tekkitmain that'll show you the published versions. Now /api/modpack/tekkitmain/1.0.6/ This returns a JSON encoded string containing a list of mods, versions, and a url to download it from (for the launcher). You just grab, decode, array, and iterate through: $mod->version, $mod->name, $mod->url etc. Insert them into your database and so on. It was quite a fun project and saved me roughly 2-3hrs (even after coding and experimenting). /mods/modname(slug)/modname-v1.01.zip modname-v1.01.zip contents: mods\ mods\myawesomemodname-1.01.jar
  14. I created a nifty PHP script that reads and downloads the contents of whichever modpack i choose from the solder.technicpack.net api. it populates my modlist and modversions database, and I can then create a modpack as a base quite easily. I've finished coding a version checker, so I can ensure my base remains uptodate in conjunction with (for example) tekkitmain releases. There's a few minor bugs in the version (0.3-dev) that I'm using, such as marking an entry as non-published, and updating the MD5 of the resources folder contents, but these are easily worked around with a bit of MVC knowledge. Anyway, my next steps would be to merge these changes in with the solder framework as modules and then get them on the main interface, as right now they are in a seperate PHP (Zend) project. Thank you Technic guys for providing me with something to toy with over the weekends :)
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