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Everything posted by Firestar001

  1. Not sure if this is supposed to go here but I'll just voice it. When browsing for modpacks, why can't I search by recently updated AND top rated? I go searching for the recently updated packs and I find some ok ones and (no offense to anyone) some half-axed made ones. As I go searching, I'm looking for modpacks that are in English, yet they're mixed in with the.... spanish? french? binary? (just kidding) They're written in some language that I do not know how to read. My solution to the latter one would be to have a 'tag' system of some sort, so people can search for mods in their language. And that's it.....
  2. THAT is a work in progress? How on earth do you power your oxygen sealers in that titan? Or do you even use oxygen sealers? And on a side note think about this: Let's say the builder and architect table worked and you can envelope that whole structure into one blueprint. Can you imagine how amazing it would be to just... watch the structure be built? P.S. Let me guess, on the moon you've turned it into the Death Star (LOL) or better yet, this structure is but a house compared to the ones on the moon and mars. P.S.S. Maybe I could re-create Hoth's rebel base on mars.... hmmm.....
  3. Actually what I've found out is if you use the advanced solar generator and put power into energy cubes (they look like redstone energy cells) via aluminum cables, and use a universal cable to connect it to a quarry or whatever else machine you have. Really can't wait for the mars version of galactic craft to be implemented into tekkit Solar panels -> aluminum wire -> energy cube -> Universal cable.... Also it seems that the energy storage Modules in GC can't hold aluminum wire energy.
  4. Here's what I did, copied from a seperate thread: When I did these steps exactly, it seems my big dig server allows me to place my tinker table. For this example I will be referencing Big Dig and running Win 7 Step 1: Download The Big Dig server client (from here: http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/servers/bigdig/BigDigServer-v1.3.9.zip) Step 2: Created a new folder on desktop to host my server files (Desktop\BIG DIG Step 3: Unextracted zip file to DESKTOP\BIG DIG Step 4: Open 'server' properties in note pad Step 5: Set my "server-ip" to my laptop's IP address (Which I have confirmed via the command prompt and ipconfig) Step 6: Saved new properties Step 7: Opened "Launch.bat" in notepad. This contained Step 8: Ran "launch.bat" Step 9: Waited for batch file to download files Step 10: Opened up Big Dig Step 11: /op [insert username here] Step 12: Gave self tinker table Step 13: Placed it down onto map Step 14: Suddenly see tinker table not disappearing.
  5. I am having a similar problem. Only instead of on Hexxit, I am encountering it on both BIG DIG and TEKKIT (the tekkit with the space ships) Also I am using Windows When I did these steps exactly, it seems my big dig server allows me to place my tinker table. For this example I will be referencing Big Dig Here is what I have done. Step 1: Download The Big Dig server client (from here: http://mirror.technicpack.net/Technic/servers/bigdig/BigDigServer-v1.3.9.zip) Step 2: Created a new folder on desktop to host my server files (Desktop\BIG DIG Step 3: Unextracted zip file to DESKTOP\BIG DIG Step 4: Open 'server' properties in note pad Step 5: Set my "server-ip" to my laptop's IP address (Which I have confirmed via the command prompt and ipconfig) Step 6: Saved new properties Step 7: Opened "Launch.bat" in notepad. This contained Step 8: Ran "launch.bat" Step 9: Waited for batch file to download files Step 10: Opened up Big Dig Step 11: /op [insert username here] Step 12: Gave self tinker table Step 13: Placed it down onto map Step 14: Suddenly see tinker table not disappearing.
  6. I just had this little idea to have us all share some of our ideas, tips, tricks, etc for oxygen-related problems now that 1.1.8 features working oxygen sealers. Post things like how you'd set up your leaves and sealers, how you manage to loop piping throughout your base while still giving it that "clean" look. (No/very few pipes) As for me: I find myself putting my leaf-collection underneath my base, sometimes looping the oxygen right up to the sealers and others just snaking along the bottom side before popping in.
  7. Well this was before 1.1.8 Now it works fine.
  8. Why is it that the oxygen sealer works in this Voltz but doesn't work on "Tekkit Main"s module?
  9. What I find very odd is the Voltz oxygen seal works perfectly. Maybe redstone power is unable to power the devices?
  10. I've got to agree with you, however if we can't include guns on the ORIGINAL VOLTZ pack, we should at least have something like "WEAPONIZED VOLTZ" which will also include guns and such. Reason for a separate pack would be so those of us who would rather not use guns (I'd love guns btw) won't need to worry about banning said items and crafting items.
  11. Now tell me this: I look into Thermal Expansion and I can't find any good Wiki info on how to properly use said expansion. I will just say that IC2, MFSU, Geothermal generators etc, are the ones I use because they're easy to use. You don't need to refuel generators with fossil fuels (because what happens when you've dug your world dry of coal?) In fact on the Moon there might be a problem with solar panels, but IC2 is still easier to use and we're all used to it. The way I see it; we're all just rejecting the change of going from IC2 to TE. However I think if we brought back the energy link from Tekkit Classic it might solve a few of our energy problems
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