Due to being woefully uneducated in the matter back in May when I set up my Tekkit server, my main server is currently using Bukkitforge to handle plugins. I now know that to avoid headaches with both the current build and future recommended builds of Tekkit I need to switch to MCPC+, so I tried out the switch earlier on with some unfortunate side effects. All of the installed plugins still worked, but all spawn and home data was lost/unusable which meant everybody on my server would have to /sethome again. All of the LWC protections were also wiped and many of the protections I'd entered in the config no longer worked. The syntax of the config file remained identical (no corruption) yet some of the protections like AE blocks and MFR machines just wouldn't work whilst others would. So basically I'm wondering if anyone has any idea how to preserve all of my current plugin settings when switching from Bukkitforge to MCPC+? All ideas welcome.