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About jawwwwn

  • Birthday 06/04/1996

jawwwwn's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Age: 17 IGN (In Game Name) John_A_Stone Why Do you want to Play on this Server? To find new friends and learn tekkit as I've been playing hexxit and feed the beast :3 What Do you want to Build? I want to try to make a small town for me and maybe some others to join me to expand later on
  2. Hey! This is Nick with Horizon. I just wanted to let you know that we plan on opening in a few hours! So if you're still interested feel free to check us out at hexxit.bxbservers.com and our website at bxbservers.com!

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  3. It's Simply the best. Better than all the rest. (8)
  4. IGN: John_A_Stone Age:17 Why Horizon? : looking for a friendly community and this one looked like what I'm looking for. What is your goal on the server? : I am to make friends,to raid some forts and to make some wicked projects.
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