-player section-
Minecraft username: SpeakerDj243
Why you want to play on this server: I have always loved Roleplay Servers and I was looking for a small one to have fun on.
How you found this server: I found it via the Technic Pack forums.
Have you been banned from other servers, if so why?: I have never been banned from any servers.
How well do you know the mods?: I know them somewhat, I do enjoy learning new things though.
How often do you play?: Daily
Why do you feel you should be accepted?: I have run 2 roleplay server in the past and know what people want out of an experience, they want to enjoy the server and not have to log on fearing what may happen.
I have read the rules and know I will get banned for breaking them: yes
-Roleplay section-
Role-play character's name: Zeke Tempest
Character's background story: When Zeke was young, he always had a fascination with technology and adventure, He grew up and eventually became a weapon-smith and merchant, trying to figure out the mysteries in the world he lives in.
Character's age: 19