Just a FYI regarding my problems with managing power.
I never got the gate version to work and just resigned to it constantly pumping and using lava. The gates just never managed to turn the system off, even after identically matching the one you posted.
I recently upgraded my server to 1.1.8 and decided to look at the problem again and actually found a fairly cheap, simple system to manage my power system.
I want to share it here in case anyone has had the same issues as myself, additionally, I know there are some awesome coders about here and thought any feedback would be awesome.
The image gallery is here: http://imgur.com/a/wt8Lj#0
The way it works is a computer using open peripheral checks the power level of the REC every 10 seconds and if it is under 100k, turns the system on, if the system is above 500k it turns the system off. Simple.
The code for it is:
local rEC = peripheral.wrap("bottom")
while true do
local mjStored = rEC.getEnergyStored()
mj = tonumber(mjStored)
if mj<100000 then
rs.setOutput("back",true) -- Power On
elseif mj>550000 then
rs.setOutput("back",false) -- Power Off