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Posts posted by David_Wolfe

  1. java.lang.RuntimeException: Unknown character ' ' in 'C:/Users/titanoverlord/AppData/Roaming/.technic/hexxit/saves/Zero Crusade!/mapwriter.cfg:1'

    Rename your world to something that Java can actually read, see if it works.

    Just call it Zero. Try if that works.

  2. This is a very interesting question, one definitely worth the research.

    Googling around I can at least post the following, however I can't in any way support that they are accurate...

    Err... this is awkard.

    I'm trying to insert tables but it won't let me.


    However, I did find some files stating the original durabilities, I'll get it up as soon as I can.

    Edit 2

    There we go, I pulled some files apart and these are all the numbers you could possibly need.



  3. We think it mostly occurs in areas where a structure was generated by the mod.

    I've even built in towers, right next to towers and inside cities and never faced this problem in that specific area...

    We also think that building high above the ground or really deep will prevent this sort of destruction...

    ... My base went all the way down to bedrock and it still was destroyed.

    This is not a problem with dungeons being generated in this area, as some have already noticed, it's a conflict between other dimensions and for some reason secretrooms, it corrupts the chunk on the way back, having it freshly generated (deleting everything in the process) and then occassionaly it'll plop down a battletower there. So far in multiple tests I've had the following spawns:

    -Battle towers

    -Dimensional door




    so I'd almost 100% dare to say it has nothing to do with dungeons being generated.

  4. Optifine has been said to cause this crash when 'connected textures' is on, however I have yet to test this personally.

    Try playing with the graphics setting or turning everything to default (Advanced OpenGL off?)

    I believe one of the fixes in Hexxit automatically does some of the features Optifine has (like connected textures?) and they do this twice on the same block giving you this error.

    Though, it's all speculation and a part of google searches, so I have nothing really solid to sustain this.

  5. Amazing! To think I'd given up the hope that modders 'd ever be kind enough to roll some of their changes into older versions, that didn't happen back in my day!

    Plugged it in immediately and it worked right out of the box, even on worlds from older versions, this is going to make a lot of people happy.

  6. I usually run into this when coming back from the twilight forest in a chunk that was loaded before to find my base destroyed.

    Could you give me some more information about your installation?

    Are you running optifine, by chance?

    What's your version of Java?

    Did you notice anything around you 'changing' after you come out of your portal?

  7. I noticed this yesterday when a friend of mine was dropping items to me when we were both wearing magnet armour, it went straight into my inventory, but after I opened my inventory a second time, everything was gone.

    There seems to be some desync between player inventory on (LAN) servers that frequently wipes stuff. I've also noticed this when using the Knapsack for inventory expansion, sometimes the contents of the knapsack will reset themselves to about 5 minutes prior. Also a desync.

    As for items being destroyed, keep in mind that explosion-deaths (including fireball/fire deaths) will delete some of the items.

    Further, I can't find any information about items being deleted other than being around 5 minutes.

  8. Wow, chill out man, I'm just saying it could be caused by the fact that the NVidia render is out of date causing the visual glitch in question with Java, because that's what it would LOOK like if the renderer craps out.

    No need to get into a hissy fit.

  9. Could you give me the contents of your FML log under %appdata%/.technic/hexxit/

    called "ForgeModLoader-client-0.log" ?

    Is this a newly created or old world?

    Was this world generated on the current version of Hexxit?

  10. I was afraid SecretRooms had something to do with it, because I also noticed it started behaving this way AFTER secretrooms was added. I tried building a fake base filled with secretroom items but it never occured there, yet whiped my base the second I built secretroom stuff in it.

    Unfortunately, my base has secrets built around the secretrooms mod...

  11. Well, as lame as it may be, I simply use /xp for every piece of hardware I destroy in the disenchanting table, hence why I hide the XP bar on my screenshots most of the time.

    (I did 168 hours and conquered 71 towers, nether cities and castles in that time, according to my map, 10 buckazoids for the first person to guess closest to the level I have by now.)

  12. Just a fan that has nothing better to do with their free time other than staring at their significant other playing Guild Wars all day.

    What the heck? It appears that the config file is 3 versions old for some reason. I was about to blame Mac, but this must be an oversight.

    Open your server folder and go into the config files.

    Do me a favour and see if slapping THIS file in (rename it to eplus.cfg) instead of eplus.cfg works, I'm intrigued.


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