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Everything posted by loffredo87

  1. So happy to be back on the server after a long break. Lot of people coming on the server everyday, happy to see everyone is getting along. Also, just finished the jail, hopefully we won't have to use it at all! Also, thank you Pkd906 for building the pvp arena. I know it's not done yet but it already looks great!
  2. We also know about the crashing problem in the nether, that will be resolved shortly
  3. Okay, haven't given an update in a while, sooo....Voting reward system is up! For every Vote you will get $1,000! Ranking is now automatic so no need to ask staff for your time spent on server. Multiverse was removed (machines will face right way now) I am also working on a fun project with YoMov that is almost complete. Also, if you haven't already, please check out /warp yomovfactory or /warp yomovcharge! They are very helpful to new players. For some reason people keep thinking this is a Dutch Server, but it is ENGLISH and no other language is allowed in main chat, but you can speak any language using /msg (player). Merry Christmas!
  4. All problems have been fixed, DO NOT build in the Survival world or S world, they will be deleted! Mall is getting finished by Wjohnson83.
  5. Servers up on new ip, warps are fixed and hopefully everything is solved...
  6. Saw you on today hide! Happy the problem was fixed also today I saw a lot of new faces again, hope that we keep getting new players!
  7. Nope same ip...what does it say when you try to login?
  8. damnit, there is always something new :'(
  9. Everything is okay now, enjoy the server
  10. We have found the problem, it is some thermal expansion machine, we are trying to remove it without people losing their bases, that's why the server is still down. Please Check Back Soon I will be updated later on.
  11. Something is bugging out in the spawn world, will be fixed by tomorrow morning.
  12. Trying to fix the issue wjohnson, also server is no longer whitelisted, problem was solved
  13. Its coming along really nice, also the server was very populated today, im proud of our staff members of stepping up to keep the server under control!
  14. We have a temp fix and are creating a new spawn!
  15. So we have found a glitch, where if you die in the nether you will crash when trying to respawn and when a new player tries to join the game they will crash we are looking into the issue and will have it fixed
  16. So, a new donation system will be introduced soon, also vote for Generic-Land on http://tekkitserverlist.com/server/24519/view/generic-land, perks for donating will be added soon!
  17. Servers doing fine now, i hope that there are no more problems on the server
  18. Special Halloween event coming up!
  19. Ill try to post on here more often and update people
  20. thats not what you said a few days ago mr.liesalot
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