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Everything posted by loffredo87

  1. and as for the crashing problem...idk if it will ever get solved but ill make sure it doesn't go down for long periods of time
  2. Add ons will be coming to the server extremely soon! Gen is working very hard to make sure there are no problems with the cool things coming to the server!
  3. idk why gen did that name...ask him =P and idk what happened to your camouflage upgrades.
  4. Cmon guys its easter...whos crashing the server this time??
  5. Well, its great to see all the new faces on the server! also an update on the crashes i think it has to do with either withers or pigs...ill talk to gen and see if we can fix the issue
  6. And as for the big changes coming to the server....they are almost here!!
  7. Ill check witch gen if you are in a bad chunk if so ill make sure he reset your spawn
  8. There might be big changes coming to Generic-Land (good changes)
  9. Server is up now and i will be talking to gen about some cool things we might add to the server...but only if he likes the ideas....
  10. wish gen was on so i could ask him what he did to the server....
  11. i see there have been some changes to the server gen....
  12. Welp, it hurts me to say this but...we have lost one of the Generic-Land staff members...i will let all staff members know who it was...also for the admins i would like to hold a meeting either tomorrow or Sunday (karthora is welcome to join) Also, if i ever see another staff member acting up i will ban them right away and that will be the end. I cant believe that i cant trust our staff members...only some mods but all admins
  13. No problem...If that has happened to anyone please let any of the admins know. Also, we have just finished /warp parkour hope everyone checks it out and we might even be working on something bigger
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