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Everything posted by loffredo87

  1. just trying to help out a server...you dont want the wrong people getting power on your server
  2. not enough proof one sec....'>
  3. Just saying i wouldnt trust thrill...thrillrider78, on 30 Jul 2014 - 02:30 AM, said: if i wanted to hack the server i would get a better team of hacker ("team lixo") to hack it as i have them on skype so you piss me off and youll be sorry
  4. lol you just copied the rules and stuff from GL HAAHHAHAHAHA but id expect that from a 5 year old
  5. Keep getting more and more donations! people rlly seem to love the server =P and dont forget to start using our forum http://genericland.lefora.com/
  6. He did he just forgot to put the file back in after the reset =P
  7. We have been slowed down due to the problems caused by the hacking weeks ago
  8. You sure you cant get on the server dal?
  9. With all the conflict going on with other servers id just like to say that our server was hacked by the same people and we did not go crazy over it, we put our big boy pants on and dealt with it. I hope other server owners read this and just stop arguing.
  10. Nothing is broken btw was just something with a restart
  11. Mini games and classes are almost done!
  12. Yea i did that because there was a problem yesterday, but server has been up all day today =P
  13. Shop is almost complete..just need to add the finishing touches
  14. Ok so i might have broken the server before
  15. Um thats not true, i banned you, because when i was checking permissions you were admin
  16. or you want to know how to actually speak?
  17. i saw chat =P ik what you did
  18. thrill shut up you are banned end of story until we figure out wht happened and you arent keeping that fake admin rank
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