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Everything posted by varietygamer

  1. May I ask how you got the forge essentials working in 1.6.4? I need world border badly but can't gt it without bukkit compatibility. Is there an alternative?
  2. Don't be fooled by laptop specs. A typical laptop cannot perform the same due to battery and heat dissipation considerations. A cpu or gpu laptop variant is much (MUCH) slower than its desktop cousin, even if they share the same family name. An intel i7 laptop cpu for example is slower than a desktop i3. A dedicated gpu in a desktop can consume upwards of 200W on its own, a cpu can consume upwards of 150W. A cutting edge laptop all up does not typically exceed 75W. Both cutting edge laptop and desktop parts are made on the same micron manufacturing process with the same technology. Get the idea? Laptops and gaming do not mix, unless you're into paying much more for much less.
  3. Why do two major launchers exist? Why do modders not work together? Why am I crafting 3 different kinds of steel ingots? Because nobody gets paid, people are free to do their own thing, compatibility issues arise, redundancies arise. Let's face it; vanilla minecraft was/is a mess of code and it is the base game upon which so much content has been built. The mods are doing far more than the creators of the vanilla game ever intended. We should be grateful for what we get from people who are investing their personal time and energy on our behalf in return for peanuts. We get the spoils (and bug bears) without lifting a finger. It would be nice if it were easier; but how? Pay the modders? How? Set up a player funded community that fascilitates cooperation and mod tailoring to a specific standard? Ok, I'll make the site with some expendable capital of my own, I can spare $5,000 initially; you guys get more money together, and we can begin to employ the most prolific modders with the best and biggest mods. I know a brilliant pixel artist that could create the ultimate texture pack which would see compatibility with every single mod ever made. They can all work together and maintain the latest and best versions of their mods in accordance with a stringent yet open standard. Birds fly above; the skies are blue and adorned by puffy white clouds. Drops of rain glitter in the sunlight, casting rainbows all around. The sweet scent of the green fields blows in the soft breeze bringing joy to all. Everybody lives happily ever after. And when things go horribly wrong; we find someone to crucify. We then paint the endless landscape with blood and broken dreams. Gamers are notoriously unstable, we would be at each others throats within 5 minutes and I would be wasting my money.
  4. This happens to me when I enable the nether on the server. My log is posted in the 1.3.13 thread.
  5. Who does work on big dig? Where is the work done? I'm sure more people would be happy to help.
  6. Our nether basically corrupted the world save. I tried to get rid of dim-1 and generate nether again but the problem seems to exist in the world save and every time I enable nether on the server the server turns to mush. It runs but if any player joins it crashes. Happens in single player on the same map too. A mod is the culprit but I can't identify which one. Somebody did something they weren't supposed to regarding the nether. Here is my startup log with nether active: 17.10 20:31:29 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.network.TcpReaderThread.run(SourceFile:94) 17.10 20:31:29 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.network.TcpConnection.func_74450_c(TcpConnection.java:547) 17.10 20:31:29 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.network.TcpConnection.func_74447_i(TcpConnection.java:327) 17.10 20:31:29 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.network.packet.Packet.func_73272_a(Packet.java:144) 17.10 20:31:29 [server] INFO at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(Unknown Source) 17.10 20:31:29 [server] INFO at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) 17.10 20:31:29 [server] INFO at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) 17.10 20:31:29 [server] INFO at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) 17.10 20:31:29 [server] INFO java.net.SocketException: Connection reset 17.10 20:31:00 [Minecraft-Server] varietygamer ran command Message of the Day 17.10 20:30:50 [server] INFO Player: GCCorePlayerMP['varietygamer'/529, l='Glory', x=227.76, y=74.00, z=1241.88] 17.10 20:30:50 [server] INFO Sending serverside check to: varietygamer 17.10 20:30:50 [server] INFO Loading Player: varietygamer 17.10 20:30:49 [Minecraft-Server] varietygamer ran command Message of the Day 17.10 20:30:49 [Connect] User [Minecraft-Server] varietygamer, IP 17.10 20:30:48 [server] INFO TreeCapitator ASM Patching Complete! 17.10 20:30:48 [server] INFO User varietygamer connecting with mods [TradeBoothMod, OCS, DungeonPack, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMystcraft, rftl, Magical-Crops, OmniTools, BuildCraft|Transport, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBiomesOPlenty, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRP2, ImmibisPeripherals, secretroomsmod, ICBM|Contraption, UsefulFood, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatMagicalCrops, ICBM|Sentry, ObsidiPlates, ArtificeCompat|EE3, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSoulShards, CoFHWorld, Forestry, TConstruct, EnderStorage, OpenPeripheral, BinnieCore, chococraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAtum, mmmPowersuits, BetterStorage, IronChest, GalacticraftCore, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, BuildCraft|Energy, AtomicScience, Natura, EE3, ImmibisCore, GregsLighting, LogisticsPipes|Main, DimensionalDoors, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatXyCraft, AppliedEnergistics, Natura|CompatMineFactoryReloaded, mod_bspkrsCore, MineFactoryReloaded, minechem, ArtificeCompat|MFR, simplepowerstorage, ThermalExpansion, PowersuitAddons, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBackTools, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestryPre, inventorytweaks, BetterAnvil, NetherOres, BuildCraft|Silicon, APUnofficial, ArtificeCompat|Vanilla, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, PamWeeeFlowers, Mekanism, BuildCraft|Core, TConstruct|CompatMineFactoryReloaded, DimensionalAnchors, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatPams, MekanismGenerators, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatExtraBiomes, ExtraBees, MekanismTools, Mystcraft, ComputerCraft, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatChococraft, TreeCapitator, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, CoFHNetwork, BuildCraft|Factory, MFFS, Forge, bau5_ProjectBench, SoulShards, ICBM|Explosion, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, MFReloaded|CompatThaumcraft, eplus, CCTurtle, MineFactoryReloaded|CompatSufficientBiomes, BuildCraft|Builders] 17.10 20:30:46 [server] INFO -28 17.10 20:30:37 [server] INFO Entity: EntityXPOrb['Experience Orb'/300, l='Glory', x=209.25, y=68.13, z=-240.19] 17.10 20:30:37 [server] INFO [Minecraft-Server] / lost connection 17.10 20:29:20 [server] INFO Galacticraft remote version found: 2.0.1 17.10 20:29:20 [server] SEVERE New Galacticraft version available! v2.0.1 http://micdoodle8.com/ 17.10 20:29:19 [server] INFO Unloading dimension -23 17.10 20:29:19 [server] INFO Unloading dimension 1 17.10 20:29:18 [server] WARNING [Minecraft-Server] Can't keep up! Did the system time change, or is the server overloaded? 17.10 20:29:17 [server] INFO ComputerCraft: RedPowerWorld not found. 17.10 20:29:17 [server] INFO ComputerCraft: Searching for RedPowerWorld... 17.10 20:29:16 [server] INFO Loading dimension 247 (Glory) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@72f582cd) 17.10 20:29:16 [server] INFO Loading dimension 173 (Glory) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@72f582cd) 17.10 20:29:15 [server] INFO Loading NEI 17.10 20:29:15 [server] INFO Block ID list parsing complete. 17.10 20:29:15 [server] INFO Loading DimDoors data 17.10 20:29:15 [server] INFO Registered Dimension: -28 17.10 20:29:14 [server] INFO [Minecraft-Server] Done (2.412s)! For help, type "help" or "?" 17.10 20:29:14 [server] INFO [Minecraft-Server] Preparing spawn area: 83% 17.10 20:29:13 [server] INFO [Minecraft-Server] Preparing start region for level 0 17.10 20:29:13 [server] INFO Loading DimDoors data 17.10 20:29:13 [server] INFO Registering Pocket Dims 17.10 20:29:12 [server] INFO Loading dimension -1 (Glory) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@72f582cd) 17.10 20:29:12 [server] INFO Loading dimension 1 (Glory) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@72f582cd) 17.10 20:29:12 [server] INFO Loading dimension -23 (Glory) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@72f582cd) 17.10 20:29:12 [server] INFO Loading dimension 0 (Glory) (net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer@72f582cd) 17.10 20:29:12 [server] INFO [Minecraft-Server] Preparing level "Glory" 17.10 20:29:12 [server] INFO Forge Mod Loader has successfully loaded 99 mods 17.10 20:29:12 [server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for electronicCircuit 17.10 20:29:12 [server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for chargedReBattery 17.10 20:29:12 [server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for reBattery 17.10 20:29:12 [server] INFO ThaumCraft integration failed. 17.10 20:29:12 [server] INFO [MineChem] POSTINIT PASSED 17.10 20:29:12 [server] INFO [MineChem] Computercraft interface layer loaded 17.10 20:29:12 [server] INFO [Mekanism] Hooking complete. 17.10 20:29:12 [server] INFO Adding recipe for dustIronAdding recipe for dustGoldAdding recipe for dustOsmiumAdding recipe for dustSteelAdding recipe for dustCopperAdding recipe for dustTinAdding recipe for dustSilverAdding recipe for ingotOsmiumAdding recipe for ingotBronzeAdding recipe for ingotSteelAdding recipe for blockOsmiumAdding recipe for blockBronzeAdding recipe for blockCoalAdding recipe for blockSteelAdding recipe for oreOsmium[Mekanism] Hooked into Thermal Expansion successfully. 17.10 20:29:12 [server] INFO [Mekanism] Hooked into Forestry successfully. 17.10 20:29:12 [server] INFO Adding recipe for ingotIronAdding recipe for ingotGold[Mekanism] Hooked into BuildCraft successfully. 17.10 20:29:12 [server] WARNING [MMMPS-SERVER] Failed to get MFFS item! 17.10 20:29:11 [server] INFO [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded SpecialInventoryHandler: logisticspipes.proxy.specialinventoryhandler.AEInterfaceInventoryHandler 17.10 20:29:11 [server] INFO [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded SpecialInventoryHandler: logisticspipes.proxy.specialinventoryhandler.CrateInventoryHandler 17.10 20:29:11 [server] INFO [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded BetterStorage Proxy 17.10 20:29:11 [server] INFO [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded ThermalExpansion Proxy 17.10 20:29:11 [server] INFO [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded Thaumcraft DummyProxy 17.10 20:29:11 [server] INFO [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded CCTurtleProxy 17.10 20:29:11 [server] INFO [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded IC2 DummyProxy 17.10 20:29:11 [server] INFO [LogisticsPipes|Main] Loaded ForestryProxy 17.10 20:29:11 [server] WARNING Couldn't find vanilla template - forestry.speciesFestive 17.10 20:29:11 [server] WARNING Failed to add block/item of (1115:0) to Forester's Backpack since it was null. 17.10 20:29:11 [server] WARNING Failed to add block/item of (12567:0) to Miner's Backpack since it was null. 17.10 20:29:11 [server] WARNING Failed to add block/item of (12566:6) to Miner's Backpack since it was null. 17.10 20:29:11 [server] WARNING Failed to add block/item of (11121:0) to Miner's Backpack since it was null. 17.10 20:29:11 [server] INFO Skipping CraftGuide integration. 17.10 20:29:10 [server] INFO beeBreedingMode 17.10 20:29:10 [server] WARNING Could not load forestry config, due to java reflection failing! 17.10 20:29:10 [server] SEVERE [AppEng] Forestry Integration Enabled. 17.10 20:29:10 [server] SEVERE [AppEng] IC Integration Disabled. 17.10 20:29:10 [server] SEVERE [AppEng] Universal Electricity Integration Enabled. 17.10 20:29:10 [server] SEVERE [AppEng] Better Storage Integration Enabled. 17.10 20:29:10 [server] SEVERE [AppEng] Mine Factory Reloaded Integration Enabled. 17.10 20:29:10 [server] SEVERE [AppEng] Factorization Integration Disabled. 17.10 20:29:10 [server] SEVERE [AppEng] GregTech Integration Disabled. 17.10 20:29:10 [server] SEVERE [AppEng] CC Integration Enabled. 17.10 20:29:10 [server] SEVERE [AppEng] LP Integration Enabled. 17.10 20:29:10 [server] SEVERE [AppEng] BC Integration Enabled. 17.10 20:29:10 [server] SEVERE [AppEng] MJ Power Integration Enabled. 17.10 20:29:10 [server] INFO Buildcraft Triggers Registered: 8 17.10 20:29:10 [server] WARNING Could not retrieve Forestry block identified by: planks 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for generator 17.10 20:29:09 [server] SEVERE Universal Recipes: Error Registering calclavia:WRENCH 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for wrench 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for batBox 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for reBattery 17.10 20:29:09 [server] SEVERE Universal Recipes: Error Registering calclavia:ADVANCED_BATTERY 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for energyCrystal 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for iridiumPlate 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for advancedCircuit 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO IC2 API: Call getItem failed for electronicCircuit 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO ID Resolver (Mod ID "IDResolver") is not loaded. 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO Getting Block ID Lists from 3rd party mod configs... 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO While registering space station recipe, found 3 type(s) of ingotCopper 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO While registering space station recipe, found 1 type(s) of ingotInvar 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO While registering space station recipe, found 3 type(s) of ingotTin 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO Received an invalid 'add-farmable-crop' request '[email protected]@20671.1.1526.8' from mod Natura. 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO Bypassed Forge chunk limits 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO [immibis Core DEBUG] adding 'public boolean mods.immibis.core.impl.InventoryTraitImpl.func_102008_b(int,net.minecraft.item.ItemStack,int)' to 'mods/immibis/chunkloader/TileChunkLoader' 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO [immibis Core DEBUG] adding 'public boolean mods.immibis.core.impl.InventoryTraitImpl.func_102007_a(int,net.minecraft.item.ItemStack,int)' to 'mods/immibis/chunkloader/TileChunkLoader' 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO [immibis Core DEBUG] adding 'public int[] mods.immibis.core.impl.InventoryTraitImpl.func_94128_d(int)' to 'mods/immibis/chunkloader/TileChunkLoader' 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO [immibis Core DEBUG] adding 'public net.minecraft.item.ItemStack mods.immibis.core.impl.InventoryTraitImpl.func_70301_a(int)' to 'mods/immibis/chunkloader/TileChunkLoader' 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO [immibis Core DEBUG] adding 'public void mods.immibis.core.impl.InventoryTraitImpl.func_70296_d()' to 'mods/immibis/chunkloader/TileChunkLoader' 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO [immibis Core DEBUG] adding 'public int mods.immibis.core.impl.InventoryTraitImpl.func_70302_i_()' to 'mods/immibis/chunkloader/TileChunkLoader' 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO [immibis Core DEBUG] adding 'public void mods.immibis.core.impl.InventoryTraitImpl.func_70299_a(int,net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)' to 'mods/immibis/chunkloader/TileChunkLoader' 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO [immibis Core DEBUG] adding 'public boolean mods.immibis.core.impl.InventoryTraitImpl.func_94041_b(int,net.minecraft.item.ItemStack)' to 'mods/immibis/chunkloader/TileChunkLoader' 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO [immibis Core DEBUG] adding 'public void mods.immibis.core.impl.InventoryTraitImpl.func_70305_f()' to 'mods/immibis/chunkloader/TileChunkLoader' 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO [immibis Core DEBUG] adding 'public void mods.immibis.core.impl.InventoryTraitImpl.func_70295_k_()' to 'mods/immibis/chunkloader/TileChunkLoader' 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO [immibis Core DEBUG] adding 'public boolean mods.immibis.core.impl.InventoryTraitImpl.func_70300_a(net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer)' to 'mods/immibis/chunkloader/TileChunkLoader' 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO [immibis Core DEBUG] adding 'public boolean mods.immibis.core.impl.InventoryTraitImpl.func_94042_c()' to 'mods/immibis/chunkloader/TileChunkLoader' 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO [immibis Core DEBUG] adding 'public java.lang.String mods.immibis.core.impl.InventoryTraitImpl.func_70303_b()' to 'mods/immibis/chunkloader/TileChunkLoader' 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO [immibis Core DEBUG] adding 'public int mods.immibis.core.impl.InventoryTraitImpl.func_70297_j_()' to 'mods/immibis/chunkloader/TileChunkLoader' 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO [immibis Core DEBUG] adding 'public net.minecraft.item.ItemStack mods.immibis.core.impl.InventoryTraitImpl.func_70304_b(int)' to 'mods/immibis/chunkloader/TileChunkLoader' 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO [immibis Core DEBUG] adding 'public net.minecraft.item.ItemStack mods.immibis.core.impl.InventoryTraitImpl.func_70298_a(int,int)' to 'mods/immibis/chunkloader/TileChunkLoader' 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO [immibis Core DEBUG] adding 'public java.util.List mods.immibis.core.impl.InventoryTraitImpl.getInventoryDrops()' to 'mods/immibis/chunkloader/TileChunkLoader' 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO [fml.ItemTracker] The mod BetterAnvil is overwriting existing item at 145 (net.minecraft.item.ItemAnvilBlock from Minecraft) with net.minecraft.item.ItemAnvilBlock 17.10 20:29:09 [server] INFO ProjectBench: Registered block id @ 1446. Rendering: true @: 5 17.10 20:29:08 [server] INFO [RottenFleshToLeather] Loaded! 17.10 20:29:08 [server] INFO Parsing openperipheral json 17.10 20:29:08 [Multicraft] Skipped 8 lines due to rate limit (30/s) 17.10 20:29:07 [server] WARNING IC2 missing - MFR IC2 Compat not loading 17.10 20:29:07 [server] WARNING ExtraBiomesXL missing - MFR ExtraBiomesXL Compat not loading 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Registering Chocobos for Grinder... 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Registering Gysahls for Planter/Harvester/Fertilizer 17.10 20:29:07 [server] WARNING Biomes O' Plenty missing - MFR Biomes O' Plenty Compat not loading 17.10 20:29:07 [server] WARNING BackTools missing - MFR BackTools Compat not loading 17.10 20:29:07 [server] WARNING Atum missing - MFR Atum Compat not loading 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: infiniteBattery already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: battery already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: wrench already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: motor already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: circuitElite already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: circuitAdvanced already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: circuitBasic already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: copperWire already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: Successfully requested item: plateGold 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: Successfully requested item: plateIron 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: Successfully requested item: plateTin 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: Successfully requested item: plateCopper 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: plateBronze already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: dustBronze already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: ingotBronze already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: plateSteel already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: dustSteel already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: ingotSteel already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: oreTin already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: oreCopper already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: ingotTin already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO Basic Components: ingotCopper already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO [MineChem] INIT PASSED 17.10 20:29:07 [server] INFO [Mekanism] Loading complete. 17.10 20:29:06 [server] INFO Adding recipe for dustGoldAdding recipe for dustIron[Mekanism] Version 5.5.6 initializing... 17.10 20:29:06 [server] INFO Basic Components: wrench already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:06 [server] INFO Basic Components: copperWire already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:06 [server] INFO Basic Components: oreCopper already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:06 [server] INFO Basic Components: ingotCopper already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:06 [server] INFO Basic Components: dustSteel already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:06 [server] INFO Basic Components: ingotSteel already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO [AppEng] Starting Applied Energistics 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO [fml.ItemTracker] The mod BetterStorage is overwriting existing item at 1442 (enderBackpack from BetterStorage) with net.mcft.copy.betterstorage.item.ItemEnderBackpack 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO [fml.ItemTracker] The mod BetterStorage is overwriting existing item at 1439 (backpack from BetterStorage) with net.mcft.copy.betterstorage.item.ItemBackpack 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO BetterStorage will overwrite some of its own items. Don't worry, this is normal. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Basic Components: infiniteBattery already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Basic Components: wrench already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Basic Components: Successfully requested item: motor 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Basic Components: circuitElite already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Basic Components: circuitAdvanced already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Basic Components: circuitBasic already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Basic Components: copperWire already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Basic Components: plateBronze already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Basic Components: dustBronze already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Basic Components: ingotBronze already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Basic Components: plateSteel already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Basic Components: dustSteel already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Basic Components: ingotSteel already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Basic Components: oreTin already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Basic Components: oreCopper already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Basic Components: ingotTin already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Basic Components: ingotCopper already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Initializing GUI Handler. 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO [fml.ItemTracker] The mod eplus is overwriting existing item at 116 (net.minecraft.block.BlockEnchantmentTable from Minecraft) with net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock 17.10 20:29:05 [server] INFO Initializing Blocks. 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Loading CCTurtle v1.53 (rev 1120) 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO ComputerCraft: RedPowerLib not found. 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO ComputerCraft: Searching for RedPowerLib... 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Adding recipe for dustSteelAdding recipe for plateSteelAdding recipe for plateBronzeLoading ComputerCraft v1.53 (rev 1120) 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Basic Components: Successfully requested item: infiniteBattery 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Basic Components: Successfully requested item: battery 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Basic Components: Successfully requested item: circuitElite 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Basic Components: Successfully requested item: circuitAdvanced 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Basic Components: Successfully requested item: circuitBasic 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Basic Components: Successfully requested block: copperWire 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Basic Components: Successfully requested item: plateBronze 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Basic Components: dustBronze already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Basic Components: ingotBronze already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Basic Components: Successfully requested item: plateSteel 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Basic Components: Successfully requested item: dustSteel 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Adding recipe for blockSteelAdding recipe for ingotSteelBasic Components Loaded: 11 Languages. 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Basic Components: ingotSteel already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Basic Components: oreTin already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Basic Components: oreCopper already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Basic Components: ingotTin already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Basic Components: ingotCopper already exists in Ore Dictionary, using the ore instead. 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO MFR Compat Initialized 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO [fml.ItemTracker] The mod MineFactoryReloaded is overwriting existing item at 79 (net.minecraft.block.BlockIce from Minecraft) with powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.block.ItemBlockVanillaIce 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO [fml.ItemTracker] The mod MineFactoryReloaded is overwriting existing item at 102 (net.minecraft.block.BlockPane from Minecraft) with net.minecraft.item.ItemBlock 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO EE3 Compat Initialized 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Galacticraft Moon Loaded: 17 Languages. 17.10 20:29:04 [server] INFO Galacticraft Loaded: 17 Languages. 17.10 20:29:03 [server] INFO Adding recipe for oreCopperAdding recipe for oreTinAdding recipe for oreIronAdding recipe for oreCopperAdding recipe for oreTinAdding recipe for ingotCopperAdding recipe for ingotTinAdding recipe for ingotBronzeAdding recipe for ingotSteelAdding recipe for blockCopperAdding recipe for blockBronzeAdding recipe for blockTinAdding recipe for blockSteelGalacticraft successfully injected bytecode into: codechicken/nei/ContainerCreativeInv 17.10 20:29:03 [server] INFO [Minecraft-Server] Starting Minecraft server on 17.10 20:29:03 [server] INFO This update is for Minecraft 1.5.2. 17.10 20:29:03 [server] INFO An updated version of OmniTools is available: 17.10 20:29:03 [server] INFO [Minecraft-Server] Generating keypair 17.10 20:29:03 [server] INFO [Minecraft-Server] Default game type: SURVIVAL 17.10 20:29:03 [server] INFO [Minecraft-Server] Loading properties 17.10 20:29:03 [server] INFO [Whitelist] Reading established Whitelist from file. 17.10 20:29:03 [server] INFO Config loaded from: /config/ObsidiPlates.cfg 17.10 20:29:02 [server] INFO [RottenFleshToLeather] Loading... 17.10 20:29:01 [server] INFO [MineChem] PREINT PASSED 17.10 20:28:59 [server] WARNING Using outdated version [ (build:585)] for Minecraft 1.5.2. Consider updating. 17.10 20:28:56 [server] INFO Finished Loading Plugins. 17.10 20:28:56 [server] INFO Loading Plugins... 17.10 20:28:56 [server] INFO This update is for Minecraft 1.5.2. 17.10 20:28:56 [server] INFO This update has been marked as CRITICAL and will ignore notification suppression. 17.10 20:28:56 [server] INFO An updated version of Thermal Expansion is available: 17.10 20:28:56 [server] INFO GregsLightingServer: load() 17.10 20:28:55 [server] INFO Initializing Configurations. 17.10 20:28:55 [server] INFO [Modstats] Config loaded. allowUpdates: true, betaNotification: false, strict: false 17.10 20:28:55 [server] INFO [fml.ItemTracker] The mod MineFactoryReloaded is overwriting existing item at 335 (net.minecraft.item.ItemBucketMilk from Minecraft) with powercrystals.minefactoryreloaded.item.ItemFactoryBucket 17.10 20:28:55 [server] WARNING Using outdated version [3.5.3 (build:30)] for Minecraft 1.5.2. Consider updating. 17.10 20:28:55 [server] INFO A new Equivalent Exchange 3 version exists (pre1h) for Minecraft 1.5.2. Get it here: http://goo.gl/Ria2V 17.10 20:28:55 [server] INFO Initializing remote version check against remote version authority, located at https://raw.github.com/pahimar/Equivalent-Exchange-3/master/version.xml 17.10 20:28:54 [server] INFO This update is for Minecraft 1.5.2. 17.10 20:28:54 [server] INFO An updated version of CoFH Core is available: 17.10 20:28:54 [server] INFO http://www.mod-buildcraft.com 17.10 20:28:54 [server] INFO Copyright © SpaceToad, 2011 17.10 20:28:54 [server] INFO Beginning version check 17.10 20:28:54 [server] INFO Starting BuildCraft 3.5.3 (:30) 17.10 20:28:54 [server] INFO File block config loaded. 17.10 20:28:53 [server] INFO Configured a dormant chunk cache size of 0 17.10 20:28:50 [server] INFO GregsLightingServer() 17.10 20:28:49 [server] INFO Initializing Packet Handler. 17.10 20:28:49 [server] SEVERE The copy of Equivalent Exchange 3 that you are running has been modified from the original, and unpredictable things may happen. Please consider re-downloading the original version of the mod. 17.10 20:28:49 [server] SEVERE The mod EE3 is expecting signature @FINGERPRINT@ for source EE3-pre1h-TechnicFix.zip, however there is no signature matching that description 17.10 20:28:49 [Multicraft] Skipped 77 lines due to rate limit (30/s) 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod EnderStorage 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod EnderOre 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod eplus 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod EE3 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod DungeonPack 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod DimensionalDoors 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod ComputerCraft 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod CCTurtle 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod chococraft 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod AtomicScience 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO [ArtificeCompat|Vanilla] Activating mod ArtificeCompat|Vanilla 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO [ArtificeCompat|MFR] Activating mod ArtificeCompat|MFR 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO [ArtificeCompat|EE3] Activating mod ArtificeCompat|EE3 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod Artifice 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod APUnofficial 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod ImmibisMicroblocksInstallCheck 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod TreeCapitator 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod GalacticraftCore 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod CoFHWorld 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod CoFHNetwork 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod ImmibisMicroblocks 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod PowerCrystalsCore 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod NotEnoughItems 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod CodeChickenCore 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod CoFHCore 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod Forge 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod FML 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Activating mod mcp 17.10 20:28:48 [server] INFO Forge Mod Loader has identified 99 mods to load 17.10 20:28:47 [server] INFO Attempting to reparse the mod container magical_crops_1. 17.10 20:28:47 [server] INFO Attempting to reparse the mod container UsefulFood-1.5.1_1.4.2-universal.zip 17.10 20:28:46 [server] WARNING Mod eplus is missing the required element 'version' and a version.properties file could not be found. Falling back to metadata version 1.14.6 17.10 20:28:46 [server] INFO Attempting to reparse the mod container DimensionalDoors-1.5.2R1.3.6RC1-73.zip 17.10 20:28:45 [server] INFO Searching /mods for mods 17.10 20:28:45 [server] OFF Logging level for ForgeModLoader logging is set to ALL 17.10 20:28:45 [server] INFO Reading custom logging properties from /config/logging.properties 17.10 20:28:45 [server] INFO Completed early MinecraftForge initialization 17.10 20:28:45 [server] INFO Replaced 85 ore recipies 17.10 20:28:45 [server] INFO MinecraftForge v7.8.0.734 Initialized 17.10 20:28:45 [server] INFO MinecraftForge v7.8.0.734 Initialized 17.10 20:28:45 [server] INFO Attempting early MinecraftForge initialization 17.10 20:28:45 [server] INFO [Minecraft-Server] Starting minecraft server version 1.5.2 17.10 20:28:44 [server] INFO 27 achievements 17.10 20:28:44 [server] INFO 229 recipes 17.10 20:28:44 [server] INFO Galacticraft successfully injected bytecode into: sq 17.10 20:28:43 [server] INFO Galacticraft successfully injected bytecode into: rh 17.10 20:28:43 [server] INFO Galacticraft successfully injected bytecode into: ng 17.10 20:28:43 [server] INFO Galacticraft successfully injected bytecode into: sq 17.10 20:28:43 [server] INFO Galacticraft successfully injected bytecode into: gu 17.10 20:28:42 [server] INFO Adding Accesstransformer map: nei_at.cfg 17.10 20:28:42 [server] INFO [GCCoreTransformer]: Patching game... 17.10 20:28:42 [server] INFO [GCCoreTransformer]: Patching game... 17.10 20:28:41 [server] INFO Adding Accesstransformer map: codechickencore_at.cfg 17.10 20:28:41 [server] SEVERE FML appears to be missing any signature data. This is not a good thing 17.10 20:28:41 [server] INFO Adding Accesstransformer map: pcc_at.cfg 17.10 20:28:41 [server] INFO 1.5.2 17.10 20:28:41 [server] INFO Successfully Registered Transformer 17.10 20:28:41 [server] INFO 1.5.2 17.10 20:28:40 [server] WARNING The coremod mods.immibis.microblocks.coremod.MicroblocksCoreMod does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 17.10 20:28:40 [server] WARNING The coremod bspkrs.treecapitator.fml.asm.TreeCapitatorCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 17.10 20:28:40 [server] WARNING The coremod codechicken.nei.asm.NEICorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 17.10 20:28:40 [server] WARNING The coremod micdoodle8.mods.galacticraft.asm.GalacticraftPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 17.10 20:28:40 [server] WARNING The coremod codechicken.core.asm.CodeChickenCorePlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 17.10 20:28:40 [server] WARNING The coremod cofh.asm.CoFHPlugin does not have a MCVersion annotation, it may cause issues with this version of Minecraft 17.10 20:28:40 [server] INFO Java is Java HotSpot 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.7.0_03, running on Linux:amd64:3.2.0-29-generic, installed at /opt/java/64/jre1.7.0_03 17.10 20:28:40 [server] INFO Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.5.2 loading 17.10 20:28:40 [Multicraft] Loaded config for "Default" 17.10 20:28:40 [Multicraft] Starting server! 17.10 20:28:40 [Multicraft] Loading server properties 17.10 20:28:40 [Multicraft] Received start command Everything works perfectly (less lag and more stable than ever before) with the nether off.
  7. I was playing with the feed the beast launcher, stumbled upon the unleashed pack, which is basically big dig by another name. Not only does unleashed feature pretty much all the mods big dig does (minus galactic craft which I manually applied and yes it did work) but they are all the latest minecraft 1.5.2 versions of each mod. And boy is it more stable than big dig ever was. Wh...whats happening guys? The technic launcher now supports minecraft 1.6+ meaning that the next iteration of big dig could leapfrog so much bullshit and enter the realm of the latest 1.6.2 compatible mods. With every version iteration (minecraft and mod alike) overall stability does increase. What's the plan for 1.6.14, and when is it coming? Will it feature the latest mods for 1.5.2?
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