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Everything posted by Jasonsj10

  1. Hamachi is Horrible. It causes to much issues. Port Forwarding removes these issues.
  2. Hello, I own the server called Chillax Tekkit and we have this plot system area in our server on the spawn, recently a lot of people are purchasing plots from our online store (Buycraft). And people are buying and buying, just recently we noticed a drop of our TPS to like 0-1; Yea its normal for us to have like 6 TPS. Also when i get near the plots the plots either crash my client, lag my client, or boot me off. And even sometimes it will crash the server. We do not know how to solve this, we can not remove the plots because a lot of people's donations would of went to waste (to them). And we can't refund all the money, because if we did we wouldn't have any money for our payments. We know this lag is from lag machines and ect. Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this?
  3. Is this ever going to be updated?
  4. But the Admin can't go around and cleaning it up all the time.
  5. Outdated? It wont work for me. (Tekkit 3.1)
  6. Its hard to do that when your server is a huge map with thousands of players.
  7. I've been getting bad TPS, I have like a 4-10 TPS most of the time. 125 People Online 14GB of Ram "E3-1270 v2 @ 3.5GHz (Dallas) * 16GB DDR3 RAM (+$7) * 128GB SSD (+$15) * No Secondary Drive * 100Mbit + 5TB Bandwidth * 5 Usable IPs * Multicraft Included TOTAL - $152" Is the for show info. CPU 100% too.
  8. What is the purpose of Water Strainers?
  9. GroupManager could be doing it.
  10. Weapons are great though D:. I hope they come out with a patch.
  11. Fixed, I hope the PowerConverters issue doesn't come back.
  12. Do you have permissions? If so what permissions plugin.
  13. I tried to fix it by removing PowerConverters then rebooted but no one could login it just said Disconnecting /APERSONSIP: Took too long to log in for everyone. So I just readded the mod but it is now just doing the disconnecting thing again, But the error "TileEntityWaterStrainer" is stopped.
  14. Title: TileEntityWaterStrainer Error Version: 3.1.2 OS: Windows 7 Java Version: Java 7 Description of Problem: My server is being spammed with a error then it crashed. When rebooted it does it again. Error Messages: 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at powercrystals.powerconverters.TileEntityWaterStrainer.fill(TileEntityWaterStrainer.java:40) Error Log: 09.08 09:53:13 [server] INFO Connection reset 09.08 09:53:13 [Multicraft] Skipped 3035 lines due to rate limit (60/s) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at powercrystals.powerconverters.TileEntityWaterStrainer.fill(TileEntityWaterStrainer.java:44) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at powercrystals.powerconverters.TileEntityWaterStrainer.fill(TileEntityWaterStrainer.java:44) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at powercrystals.powerconverters.TileEntityWaterStrainer.fill(TileEntityWaterStrainer.java:44) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at powercrystals.powerconverters.TileEntityWaterStrainer.fill(TileEntityWaterStrainer.java:44) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at powercrystals.powerconverters.TileEntityWaterStrainer.fill(TileEntityWaterStrainer.java:44) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at powercrystals.powerconverters.TileEntityWaterStrainer.fill(TileEntityWaterStrainer.java:44) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at powercrystals.powerconverters.TileEntityWaterStrainer.fill(TileEntityWaterStrainer.java:44) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at powercrystals.powerconverters.TileEntityWaterStrainer.fill(TileEntityWaterStrainer.java:44) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at powercrystals.powerconverters.TileEntityWaterStrainer.fill(TileEntityWaterStrainer.java:44) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at powercrystals.powerconverters.TileEntityWaterStrainer.fill(TileEntityWaterStrainer.java:44) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at powercrystals.powerconverters.TileEntityWaterStrainer.fill(TileEntityWaterStrainer.java:44) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at powercrystals.powerconverters.TileEntityWaterStrainer.fill(TileEntityWaterStrainer.java:44) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at powercrystals.powerconverters.TileEntityWaterStrainer.fill(TileEntityWaterStrainer.java:44) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at powercrystals.powerconverters.TileEntityWaterStrainer.fill(TileEntityWaterStrainer.java:44) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at powercrystals.powerconverters.TileEntityWaterStrainer.fill(TileEntityWaterStrainer.java:40) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.WorldServer.getTileEntity(WorldServer.java:45) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.World.getTileEntity(World.java:1638) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.Chunk.e(Chunk.java:618) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at java.util.HashMap.get(HashMap.java:322) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE at net.minecraft.server.ChunkPosition.equals(SourceFile:20) 09.08 09:52:44 [server] SEVERE java.lang.StackOverflowError
  15. This is completely untrue. People mod their clients every day. I even think there is a release of a mod client for Tekkit. Its horrible. They need to come out with a nocheat to work with Tekkit.
  16. Title: Server Console - Spamming "Null Receiver" Makes Lag. Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: Windows Java Version: 7 Description of Problem: My server has been recently crashing alot and I was not sure why. I looked at the console and then I saw this error spamming over and over. "Null Receiver". I tried to restart the server, reload, and haltactivity. None of them even effected it. It keeps making the server seem like its crashing but all it does it lag out everyone out of the server then comes back up and keeps doing it about every 10 minutes. It is creating a lot of issues with players being on, They are annoied and leaving. Error Messages: Null Receiver
  17. Its a PVP server so it doesn't really work. Also Alts with Alt IPS
  18. Modifed in anyway to be anything more than Tekkit Mod pack. Like Zombe's Fly mod or Fly mods or even as you say 'Griefing Clients'
  19. Title: Philosopher Stone Craft ModifyWorld Banned Items Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: Windows Java Version: 7 Description of Problem: Hello, I am having issues with some how people are crafting banned items with the Philosopher Stone. I don't want to ban Philosopher Stone but people are getting on my nerves with them getting the banned items. I banned the items from being craftable. I got told later that the P-Stone was doing it so I banned it for now til I get this fixed. Any way to make it not do this? Error Messages: None Error Log: None
  20. Oh, by I ment by ruining things they are putting holes in my protection without any tools and ect. Our tools are patched so Its some type of nuker.
  21. Yea, I've tried to use NoCheat but it breaks Buildcraft, IndustrialCraft, and some EE things.
  22. Turn your render distance up.
  23. Hello, I am having issues with idoits using Hacked Clients of Tekkit and completely ruining things. I am not sure how they are doing it and its pissing me off. Is there anyway I can force them to have NON edited clients? Pure Tekkit clients.
  24. I was going with what someone else was wanting a version to lock the new things with openable GUIs.
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