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Everything posted by Jasonsj10

  1. Hey guys, I got bored so I looked at Worldguard's Dev Page and it says that "WorldGuard is Open Source" So, why don't someone make a version of Worldguard JUST for Tekkit! It would help tons of people with all of these Griefing issues! In this Build of it you could do the following 1. Add more Flags a: Dis/Allow Rings b: Dis/Allow Catalyst
  2. I host with Beastnode, so I can't edit the RUN.BAT :/
  3. Launcher/pack Version: 2.1.1 Operating System: Not Sure, Its beastnode. Version of Java: Not sure, thinking 7 Description of Problem: Server keeps going out of memory from Computer Craft. This happens like twice in 24 hours every day. Also I have this patch to my server for Computer Craft. http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,2804.0.html Error Message: 2012-05-11 10:58:26 [sEVERE] Exception in thread "Listen thread" 2012-05-11 10:58:27 [iNFO] ComputerCraft: Warning! Failed to abort a Computer. Dangling lua thread could cause errors. 2012-05-11 10:58:28 [sEVERE] java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space Link to pastebin of log: http://pastie.org/3895487
  4. Wait a second, There is no sticky for this glitch. Or are you talking about the Format Sticky? I am not sure how I would format this...
  5. Sorry :/ I didn't see the Sticky. I looked. Ill look again.. -.-
  6. Oh Goodness.... I just noticed I didn't finish all the extentions (ID:#)
  7. Hello, I am not sure if its possible to patch on your own. But just saying for all those with a server. Disable the RM Furnace.
  8. Saddly, There is two re-batterys BUT I just got in idea, I named the full rebattery 'fullrebattery' and the empty one 'rebattery'. Fixed!
  9. I recommend using Beastnode as your host. They have a tutorial for installing Tekkit. They have amazing support, great staff, FTP, and good bundles. I've used them for 6 months almost now
  10. Hey guys! I have been working on this for 2 days. I am still working on it. I only have to do is add the Small Blocks from Red Matter. What I have done is edited the items.csv for the Plugin Essentials. It lets you do things like /i nuke instead of the id or going in TMI. Download it = http://bit.ly/nL8nu8 Installation Instructions: 1. Install Essentials 2. Run Server 3. Go to ServerDir/plugins/essentials 4. download my items.csv 5. replace the default items.csv with mine. 6. Do '/essentials reload' in game. Update Log: 5/09/2012 - Released for 1.1 - Mostly Finished 5/10/2012 - Fixed Re-Battery. Named it 'rebattery' and the full battery 'fullrebattery' 5/12/2012 - Fixed Tons of the Extentions!
  11. Nope, I just like to stick out and speak my thoughts Like Helen Keller.
  12. Well, Okay. Lawl.
  13. Thank you so much for the Rank HELEN KELLER XD. I am sorry for all my complaining xD.
  14. Why are you guys so sarcastic for?
  15. Hello, I had a decent post for my Server on Tekkit. Then someone had banned me for having a, and i quote "shitty post". Who ever banned me also deleted my Server post. My ban expired 7:05PM Today. I was very pissed. (USER WAS PROBATED FOR HAVING A, AND I QUOTE "SHITTY POST")
  16. Also, I got Hawkeye and it wont see who broke the blocks.
  17. I am having an very bad issue. There are random people joining my server and greifing threw my spawn worldguard protection. It is some kind of Client Nuker. Not the NUKE block. I am very annoyied. I have to keep rebuilding my things.
  18. Please, My server is begging for factions D:
  19. I have just found this: http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,4547.0.html I did as it told. BUT my Factions folder does not generate the conf.json http://dev.bukkit.org/paste/5228/ I also deleted all plugins besides it and still same error. Also I am not sure if this helps, but when I do f in chat like factions should let you. It just says it outloud. My Old Post:
  20. Re: Worldguard Broken SOLVED
  21. Re: Worldguard Broken Bump. Just to get someone to respond because I still need this. I will not be releasing my server public until I find a fix to this. Please help me.
  22. Anyone else have the issue with Worldguard not even LOADING after implementing this?
  23. To fix that use this: http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,4645.0.html Works great... BUT. Any version of WG wont even LOAD it gives me a error.
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