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Everything posted by mine_my_own_bizz

  1. Thank you. I was just coming back to say I sorted the issue. What I was forgetting to do was point the database.php file to my GoDaddy database server IP. Duh.
  2. Hope this is the correct forum. If not moderators gon' moderate. I have successfully installed and am using TechnicSolder via Xampp to learn how to rebuild my old modpacks etc... I have it working fully this way, and understand how it works. My question is that I have web-hosting via Godaddy where my modpacks download from currently without solder and I wish to use this hosting for Solder. Now following the instructions via TechnicSolder's Github I need to follow these instructions since I lack shell access... I can't seem to for the life of me figure out the structure for what and where this "MySQL database" is copied from and where exactly is uploaded to. What am I missing here, and can anyone explain this for me please? I feel like this should be a much more simple task and that I am just missing something basic. Any and all help is welcome.
  3. Hey this is a pretty random question but who or what service does the website for you? I love the website's style!
  4. This looks great, this is along the lines of my pack. I truly love modpacks like this that focus on things besides tech and magic. Great work Eranisa! :D
  5. Bad login just means that either you logged in elsewhere while the Technic Launcher was open, just close the launcher totally and relog and you will be good. As for server files... Technically they are different since the pack has been updated to v1.07 but you can still use v1.06 worlds. This update wasn't that drastic.
  6. I finally pushed the v1.07 update (changelog below). I edited the OP to reflect the changes, I really, really, REALLY need to get the video section updated soon though. There are literally hundreds of Hexplore-It videos on Youtube and more and more being posted everyday. I can't wait to begin working on the 1.7.10 version as soon as I am able. VERSION 1.07 >Added NEI stuffs I forgot last update to Server files. >Removed the Plant Mega Pack blueberry muffin recipe due to client crash. >Removed Brown Crystal stuffs recipes. >Gravestones can now spawn anywhere to stop loss of items on snow. >Environmine configs edited to add cooling, heating, better modded item support, etc... Basically all leaves clean air, all flowers help insanity, hot things, i.e... furnaces, crushers, etc... affect body temperature. Smoothies, ice cream etc... cool you. >No more of that craptastic stacking food. >Disabled various vanity blocks due to duplicate recipes. >Tripling ores is now possible. >Added Lycanites mobs to Doom-like Dungeons.. >Added 32x coral reefs >Added Chisel Design Pack by Wreckage to Carpenter Blocks. >Added Kaevator Wallpaper Tile Design Pack to Carpenter Blocks. >Can't smelt steel dust without the smeltery, if modtweaker was working with Minetweaker3 TiC's Smeltery would be the only way. lolol >Added new wubz to the title screen. >Radio stations added. ^BetterAnvil 3.0.10 ^Carpenter'sBlocks v3.2.8 ^DoomlikeDungeon 1.4.0 ^DragonAPI v25z ^DyeTrees v25z ^EnviroMine v1.1.88 ^GeoStrata v25z ^MagicalCrops 3.2.0_BETA_23 ^MineTweaker3 3.0.8B ^SpiceOfLife 1.1.1 ^TiCTooltips 1.1.10 ^WailaHarvestability 1.1.0 +DynamicLights 1.6.4 +ExpandedRedstone v25z +JAMI +NotEnoughCodecs-0.1 +RedstonePaste 1.5.1 -NetherX 1.3
  7. I haven't actually got to check out the pack but just wanted to say that your website etc... is amazing! The pack looks to be built great as well! I wish I had the time and/or help to do similar work with modpack/site Hexplore-It. Bizz = impressed!
  8. ***FYI Everyone*** I spilled about 16oz of coffee on my laptop that I use for everything, so I will be sending it in for repair (glad I bought that accident warranty, WOOT!) I won't be able to respond as much and as promptly as usual, so please bare with me.
  9. You rock, I will check this out when I get a chance. I had an accident that involved my $1.5K laptop and 16oz of coffee :(
  10. That sounds really cool. Do you happen to remember what modpack you were playing then? I will check that out for sure, for the next update.
  11. Thank you for all the feedback and props! Your environmine idea sounds great. I'm not quite sure that it is possible via the configs but TBH I haven't had the time to delve much deeper than superficially to get the last update running well. As far as the server package, I guess I was thinking NEI was a client-side mod so I didn't need to add it. Will fix that next update. Thanks. Thank you for the idea, will pass it along.
  12. Ok everyone here is the deal... MinecraftUniverse/ TrueMU / Jason, you know the youtuber with 2.2+ MILLION subscribers?!?! would like you, the Hexplore-It players to help him out... He and I would like your help coming up with ideas for the next portion of the Hexplore-It series' episodes. What to do, where to go, and what to build? This would greatly assist him in getting out more episodes of the modpack we all love faster. So let's get a list going, what would you like to see in the upcoming episodes of this series? Aaand go!
  13. At the request of player bluesugar/drkittyjones... here is a copy of his post from the Minecraft Forums. Enjoy it Hexplorers!
  14. Please release this, I only have 2 weeks left of my 3 weeks having my house to myself. I would love to be able to have all this time to play Your wish is my command. Hexplore-It v1.06 is live! ***THIS UPDATE IS WORLD-BREAKING*** This update will not include the Official Server IP as promised. I figured getting this version out to the public ASAP was more important. Below is the list of what has changed since the last update. _________________ ««« Changelog »»» ^ = updated + = added the mod to the pack - = removed the mod from the pack VERSION 1.06 I updated too many configuration files to name. ^AncientWarfare 1.1.047 ^BetterDungeons 2091 ^Carpenter's Blocks v2.1.2 ^DamageIndicators v2.9.2.4 ^DoomLikeDungeons 1.2.13 ^DragonAPI v24 ^DungeonMobs v3.0.5 ^DyeTrees v24 ^ExtrabiomesXL 3.15.8 ^ExtraTiC 0.8.4 ^GeoStrata v24 ^GraveStone 2.8.3 ^HardcoreEnderExpansion 1.6.1 ^HarvestCraftWaila 1.0.4 ^JABBA 1.1.4 ^KeithyUtils 1.3.30 ^LycanitesMobsComplete 1.5.1h ^Metallurgy ^MrCrayfishFurnitureMod v3.3.4 ^NEIaddons ^Plant Mega Pack 3.00.09 ^RoguelikeDungeons v1.3.3a ^TiCTooltips 1.1.8a ^Tinker's Construct ^WailaHarvestability 1.0.4 -ATG 0.9.5 -BetterFurnaces V4.0.1 -CloudMaster 1.2 -DeadlyWorld 1.0.2 -ColourfulPortals v.1.3.2 -faithful32pack (resource pack) -LavaMonsters 2.2 -MobiusCore 1.2.1 -ModularFurnace 2.7.1 -Opis 1.2.2 -SmoothBedrock -SpecialMobs 2.6 -Uncrafter 1.7.3 -WildCaves v0.4.3.4 -WitchesAndMore 164DEV12 -ZansMinimap 1.6.4 +CustomCodex 1.0.0 +CustomServer 1.0.0 +EnviroMine v1.1.49 +HQM-The Journey 4.0.6 (Currently not enabled, added for future updates ) +HungerOverhaul 2l-build3 +Mapwriter 2.0.17 +MinecraftLoader 0.1 +MineTweaker3 3.0.5 +OpenModsLib 0.5.1 +OpenBlocks 1.2.9 +SpiceOfLife 1.1.0 +TiCSteelWorks +Twilightforest 1.20.5 +Vending 1.1.1 +WarpBook 0.0.200c
  15. I have good news and bad news Hexplorers... The good news is that I have finally discovered which mods were affecting the spawn rates of many of the other mods mobs, and unfortunately there aren't configs available for me to sort this problem. The bad news is that I will be removing many mods, one of which added a TON of content, the Witches and More Mod. I am not happy about this, but it needs to be done. The good news is that this will increase performance and loading of the pack quite a bit. The bad news is that it will take me a little bit longer to rebuild the pack for the next update than I had hoped. Also, this means I will need to regenerate the Official Server world(s) which will add length to the release date. The last bit of good news is that I intend to surprise you all with the inclusion of a mod that has been requested to be added MANY times to make up for all this. I will keep everyone posted. Thanks for the continued support everyone!
  16. Anyone that happens across this post and wants to maybe help with the possible future addition of quests for the Hardcore Questing Mod PM Sigghh. Once anyone does that I can get you info on all the new mods and those removed as well.
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