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Everything posted by NoodleNetworks

  1. Resolved by reinstalling railcraft and adjusting a few configs!
  2. There are multiple tutorials on YouTube that you can watch. I think a video will be better than explaining on a forum
  3. There is a plugin you can get off bukkit dev. Its called KeepInv. Works like a charm
  4. Could you paste your launch.bat here please? I use this: java -Xmx3G -Xms2G -jar Tekkit.jar nogui pause It was something to do with the -jline argument
  5. This is due to a corrupted player .dat on the server. You will need to ask the owner if he can reset your player.dat. That is the only way its going to be resolved. Good luck!
  6. The usually happens because of two things. One thing may be that you may not have the right version of group manager and/or essentials. Make sure they load up on startup of the server. The other issue maybe your spacing in your groups.yml. It has to be accurate with no flaws. Try deleting it and doing everything in game and not doing it in the groups.yml.
  7. The good old creative hack. Go to your mods folder created in /mods in the server and deleted the NEI.zip.(Something along the lines of Not Enough Items). This will resolve the issue for you.
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