IGN: AlexKockica
Age: 26
Location: Serbia
Modpack experience: Well I have played Unleashed and Monster on servers and I know how to build almost anything, also played AoTBT in single player and I'm familiar with majority of mods (didn't do Galacticraft yet and I'm not familiar with ProjectRed-Transportation pipes..).
Building skills: It's hard to give this a number.. I know how to build almost any machine setup, farm, grinder etc.. as for creativity, I would like to think I have it :-)
Why me? - I have never griefed or stolen a thing, I help others a lot, and I have a vast knowledge of many mods, practical skills ( things not found in wiki's ) I'm here because the server where I play on doesn't have this mod pack and I would really love to do some Witchery, Necromancy and Galacticraft mostly because the other packs I play don't include them and I'm a little fed up with some technical mods (a little ) I can help others out with energy production or stuff like TiC, Adv. Genetics etc..
Anything extra you want to add? - I enjoy doing fun pranks.. I never do unimaginative ones, I always try to do something either original or fun and care that no griefing will occur.. I hope current whitelisted crew on the server has proven to be good
Only one more thing I would like to add, will the server be updated to latest versions when they come out? I'm looking forward to Witchery and Galacticraft updates that will come soon and would love to see them on a server too..