Age: (If younger than 20 please explain your personality type.) 13, I know that's young and stuff but I feel that I should still be accepted into this server. Why? Because I am a kind and fun person who respects rules and all staff and i have also been told i am very mature for my age, and i do believe it. All my friends IRL do stupid stuff and im the one who knows ow to stop and say no.
Experience: (Like I said before, not very important.) Since the day this pack came out ive been playing it and watching people play it
How often you'll be playing: A LOT But I have a 2 week vacation coming up on the 12th... (With WolfHunter, We friends and would be together most of the time)
Where you are from: (Also doesn't matter much, but fun to know.) Massachusettes
and last but not least, IGN: FurthestJester0 (Ben Underwood)
Hope to see you later