1. IGN: Jofootballo
2. Age: 15
3. Maturity Level (1-10): 7
4. Experience with AOTBT: I have played much in singleplayer, since the modpack came out actually and I would love to play on a whitelisted server like Bdouble0's
5. Skype Name:In the process of getting a headset so, no skype (YET)
6. Personality:I am a funny creative guy and a great sport for pranks (At least my mom thinks so )
7. Good at Building?:Yes'm
8. Why should you be accepted?: Because I feel like I could be a great addition to this server and, frankly, just want to have fun!
I, Josh , have read the rules and have accepted them with pride and honor and courage and loyalty and respect and some other stuff, oh and pride too.