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Posts posted by AetherPirate

  1. Do you backup your world?

    According to the developer, it's gone. 

    "This one is by design - any player rocket which launches empty will disappear when it reaches space.

    Just don't launch player rockets unless there is a player inside - seems reasonable enough to me?

    If you start a player rocket launch countdown by accident (maybe the player hits Shift to jump out while the countdown is running) then just make sure to break the rocket quickly." -- Radfast 

  2. Made my first public pack. It's a large pile of tech mods, plus Thaumcraft. The pretty magic trees grind up nicely into Rotarycraft sludge :)

    Not unique, but fun to assemble and I am looking forward to seeing what players build when given access to just about any tech available.  

  3. The Way Too Much Tech Pack is now looking for players!

    Like tech mods? Wish one server had a big pile of them?

    Is the focus of your game building and automating, making Rube Goldburg style contraptions?

    Like pipes and wire?

    This is the modpack for you. 

    **Now features FTB Utilities, with a very simple land claim system and other perks**


    http://api.technipack.net/modpack/the-way-too-much-tech-pack to install. Or just search for The Way Too Much Tech Pack. 


    This is a NON-whitelisted server, intended for mature players who are interested in a casual game focused on building.  It is located in MA, USA. 

    Standard common sense rules:

    1) No griefing / No PVP

    2) No stealing

    3) No begging for resources

    4) No spamming chat with nonsense

    5) Don't build near other players without permission

    6) Keep chat clean, no hate speech, political ranting

    7) Report bugs, I am using the latest builds on most mods, so expect some bugs. 

    8) Chunkloaders are OK, but don't go nuts with them. If what you are doing is lagging everyone, find another way to do it. 



    Not Enough Items
    Extra Utilities
    BuildCraft 7
    Thermal Foundation
    Thermal Expansion
    Big Reactors
    Biomes O' Plenty
    Carpenter's Blocks
    Dimensional Anchors
    MineFactory Reloaded

    Tinkers' Construct


    Extra Cells

    Nether Ores

    Open Blocks 

    Pam's HarvestCraft
    Random Things
    Thermal Dynamics
    Tinkers’ Mechworks
    Iguana Tinker Tweaks

    Open Computers

    Draconic Evolution


    NO whitelist anymore, just join, have fun building. 


  4. After I tweak it awhile, I plan on making it public. First I need to remove lots of extra copper and other ores that many mods generate, and make a pretty spawn. I plan on using Forge Essentials for some sort of spawn protection. 

  5. First I made sure my pack worked without issues as a regular Forge modpack. Then I installed mcmyadmin, and chose ForgeMod as the mod type. I also went into mcmyadmin.conf and set how much ram to use. I turned off the mcmyadmin service, and copied my whole server modpack folder into the Minecraft folder in the mcmyadmin directory (I run windows, it was C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Mcmyadmin\minecraft for me) I then renamed my forge.jar file to forgemod.jar. I started the mcmyadmin service, and it started the modpack up for me after several minutes. 

    I logged into my router, and port forwarded port 8080 (the default port) to my internal server IP. I can now access the mcmyadmin panel anywhere. I even installed the iphone app, and I can monitor the server there too. 


    ***Few caveats about this... It doesn't work with Forge Essentials. Much of the functionality is for Bukkit and other things. It's still very useful, just be aware that you can't whitelist users, change permissions, or use plugins from the mcmyadmin menus.  You CAN access the console and use forge commands there, however. Checking into FERemoteClient to how that works in comparison***

    *** update ***

    I removed and waiting for version 3. Hopefully there will be better forge support. 

  6. I am putting a new 1.7.10 Forge pack together, and I'm wondering about which build of Forge I should use. What is the latest stable build that is considered "best"?

    Search function seems broken, my apologies if this has been answered a few dozen times. 

  7. Check out Big Reactors then, Cunrir has a stickied thread about how to get started. Google for Direwolf20's tutorial about it too. 



    You will need to feed it yellorite ingots, but an efficient reactor gives a LOT of power for very little input. 

  8. I don't think the 1.6.4 version of MFR has a block that makes steam. You'd need to rely on some other mod for that. I forget if tekkit has railcraft, if it does, search there. Otherwise Big Reactors can make steam, but you'd be far better off using BR turbines instead if you go that path. 


    Wait, what about TE steam dynamo? It's been awhile since I've played tekkit, take a look. 

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