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Posts posted by TerdyTheTerd

  1. Oh, is this the poorly named OreSpawn, or the more aptly named MMD OreSpawn, which as the name implies, spawns ores. Regardless, this came up after a 5 seconds google search, which is 5 seconds more than I should have had to do for you -_-


    Has Natura and OreSpawn, plus others. For a mod that hasn't been updated past 1.7.10, you are very unlikely to find one that fits all your requirements, if that's the case then go ahead and make a private pack ;) Beyond that good luck on your search

  2. I have personally experienced this issue on a server of mine many moons ago, of course I don't recall specifics anymore...as usual please provide the server log, and if possible a client log from a client getting kicked (you can paste only the relevant sections if this is a pvp server and you don't wish to disclose player cords via server logs) to something like pastebin or hastebin

  3. Well, listen to the error popup. Try contacting the modpack author on whatever channels exist (discord, the modpack discussion tab, github?). Likely to either be an issue with the solder configuration or something with solder itself is down.

  4. Well, what does the modpack.jar file look like in ~.technic\modpacks\a-era-do-futuro-1-fg\bin\ (you can get here more by pressing the modpack options gear from the launcher -> open folder). You will need something like winrar to open the file. If the file is missing or is no longer valid, either try re-installing the pack or manually replacing it

    I should have looked at that log file first, 

    at com.mrcrayfish.furniture.Donators.<init>(Donators.java:19)

    that furniture mod is attempting to connect to something for what appears to be donor cape related, and its bombing out. Try looking for the config for that mod as there's usually options to disable those sorts of things.

  5. There are a hundred tutorials online on how to set up a minecraft server. If you wish to connect using a specific modpack just make sure all mods and configs (including content packs or addons) are the same on the server as they are on the modpack. 

  6. I noticed you are using TabbyChat, is he by chance using a Mac? On my server/modpack Mac users have to uninstall tabbychat, it causes them to crash, could it be related? As plowmanplow stated, without info from his machine we can't really help. 

  7. I would be careful with adding ICBM on 1.7.10, its still in beta and is being updated all the time, not very stable ATM. As for the actual modpack you just need to download the files, place them in the correct locations and edit configs and such to make it your own thing.

  8. Just replied to your previous post, but that seems irrelevant now since you got it downloading. For further help could I get a link to the modpack, from there I can diagnose the issues and report them back on here for you.

  9. Looks like you will need to manually grab the library files for your forge version, which is for 1.5.2, go here to manually grab the files listed in the log and place them in your library folder (not exactly sure how forge works on 1.5.2, so you might need to look that part up). If any of the files have a ".stash" extension you must remove that after downloading.

  10. If you already have the new modpack files hosted some, such as dropbox or copy.com, then you simply need to update the modpack url to the new one AND make sure you bump the version number for the pack. Below are two pictures to help.



  11. One of the mods is attempting to call something that isn't there "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: Config.getGameSettings()Lnet/minecraft/client/settings/GameSettings;" That most likely means the mod requires another mod to run properly, one of the mods it requires got updated and changed some of its code around or you are using an improper mod version for your version of forge/minecraft. A list of mods would be very helpful, and are you using a modpack for this server? Or is it just a collection of mods you put together?

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