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Everything posted by leddy231

  1. they arent done, i think i sayed that in the post
  2. whats your OS and archiving program?
  3. i am trying to make a dropbox download, but i cant figure out how, could you teach me? EDIT: got it, new link is up
  4. yes i did, iron, gold and diamond should be animated
  5. strange, maby someone reported it corupted and now its closed, let me se. EDIT: no i can download it just fine on all of my computers, and i am not eaven loged in.
  6. it does not work on it own, you need to merge it with the original pack, check the insturtions.
  7. yes it can, but i dont have time to do that every time somthing updates.
  8. sorry, but no modpatches suport 32x and I can't rescale them myself
  9. 1 the steves carts textures are not updated in ages. 2 the marble thing is a forge bug so there is nothing you or me can do about it.
  10. of corse you can, all textures are free!
  11. yes it works and the download is in the first page
  12. i know what it means i just dont get why he got that error, he does not need to extract anything meening he does not need to decompress it again.
  13. "decompression failed"??? what kind of error is that?
  14. i tried to fix railcraft as good i could, didn't know of the unofficial textures. and yes a messed up mystcraft, didn't i? :)
  15. i will see what i can do, but dont hope to much. my computer can handle a 512x pack in vanilla and record with no problem, but i still lagg as crap with the 128x with full technic suport. and it will get worse the longer i play
  16. give me more info, operating system? technic version? archiving program?
  17. i think so, i will ask sphax for permission first even though i have the license code on my side.
  18. sorry but no, you need a really REALLY good computer to run the technictextures in 128x
  19. good to know, hopefully they will fix it soon
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