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Everything posted by leddy231

  1. sounds like a normal texture problem, i will fix it as soon as i can.
  2. i am not so good in understanding the license, but this means i can distribute the sphax pack in my patch, right?
  3. i think the problem is the compressing rate of the zip, what archiving programs do you use?
  4. is itfrom the new update? i will fix it anyway. if you are using my pack with technic 7.2 or later this problem may appear because i have not updated.
  5. alright i will fix it, but i can't do anything right now becouse im not at home, maby in a few days. PS you don't have to PM me, i read every comment on this tread
  6. I will, I have sniffed up some textures from the deepest corners of the internet I am not totally useless down here.
  7. do you have many other programs running at the same time?
  8. you have to add the mod textures yourself to the pack, but, i happen to have one completed and ready to download here: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/64x-sphax-purebdcraft-tekkit-3-technic-7-1-mocreatures.910/
  9. i will, but rigth now and 2 weeks forward i am stuck in my sommerhouse without any computer that can handel vanilla minecaft without melting, somtimes i don't like family :)
  10. before you start the game click options, then Memory to allocate, then select your maximum. the launcher should restart and then you are done!
  11. well, from the picture i can see that you are using technic 6, and i do not loger suport that version so i can't help you.
  12. try the standard things like, restarting the game, re-select the texturepack, redownload it, or, try changing som stuff in the video settings.
  13. logistic pipes is in the pack, they just don't want to work. somtimes the texture is the vanilla one, somtimes the spahx one and somtimes just transparent. and i have no clue how to fix it
  14. 1 alot of people have told me that they lagg as crap so i had to change resolution 2 strange, does the problem apear in 7.1 too? (my pack is not fixed for 7.2 yet)
  15. sorry no, no mod textures suports 16x, you can try to rescale it your self but i just don't have that time
  16. most computer can't handle it and the 64x one works better and is almost as good
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