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Everything posted by Diabloz

  1. Thx alot sir, We will continue to Work Hard and Rebuild this new Server with the Tekkit community, everyone here whitelisted to this point, except for rick you troll , re apply. also a reminder this is a mature community, what this means is most of us have day jobs and families , and are mostly active during 2-3 pm Est, despite this we are constantly moderating the server and forums posts to meet your best needs, we are open to suggestion, and feedback to make your tekkit experience the best possible. Hope to see you soon and thx again for the deluxe i really am thrilled the hard work we put on this server has not gone un-noticed. So people apply we review and whitelist very quickly.
  2. Commands: Towny: How to create a town: /town new name How to invite a player to the town: /town add player How to make a player a town assistant: /town rank add name assistant How to claim plots: /town claim How to sell and claim towny plots to residents: /plot forsale price, /plot claim How to manage your town: /town mayor ? How to make a nation: /nation new name How to teleport to your town spawn: /town spawn (costs 100 coins) How to see money upkeeps in towny: /towny prices How to see every other command for towny: /town ?, /towny ?, /nation ?, /resident ? Chat system: Local channel: /l message Global channel: /g message Town chat: /tc message Nation chat: /nc message Teleporting commands: /town spawn /town outpost number /ltp spawn /ltp sethome /ltp home You get 3 LTPs per day. FAQ How do I make a town/corporation/faction? You can make a town by gathering up $5000 (ingame currency), then using the command /t new [Name]. The server uses Towny for the commands, full documentation can be found here: http://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/towny/wiki/Commands You mean I need to earn money for a town? How do I get money? You earn money various ways, you can: - Mine gold or silver, and sell the resulting ingots at the shop inside the market building by clicking the sign. I’ve got some gold, but I don’t know how much it’s worth? Will I need a lot? Gold is worth $25, and silver is worth $10 for each ingot. If you get twice as much silver as you do gold, you`ll need about 56 gold and 112 silver to create your town. I don`t want to make a town though, are there any towns I can join? Certainly! There are many towns made by players, whom you can ask to join. They may not accept you though, and don't harass them about joining. Alright, I’m in a town now, how do I protect my stuff? You can protect your chests by putting a block overtop of them, but only in a protected area. This way, people who aren’t in the town or don’t own the plot cannot break the block to open the chest, keeping your valuables safe. How do I teleport places? "/ltp spawn" will teleport you to spawn. "/t spawn" will teleport you to town, costs $100. "/t outpost #" will teleport you to that outpost. Someone just killed me, and he’s not giving my stuff back, help! This is a Player versus Player (PvP) server, this is normal. Please do not constantly fill chat with requests about getting your items back, most players will not return the items. I need help, who can I contact? If you just have a simple player dispute, try to resolve it with that player. Otherwise, you can describe the situation to a moderator (players with the light blue [Moderator] tag). If it’s a more severe issue, look into contacting an admin (they have red or cyan names). I have more questions, what do I do? Ask them in-game if they’re just general game questions, or if it’s a more detailed inquiry, feel free to ask on the forums. Helpful Links: Tekkit Wiki: http://thetekkit.wikia.com/wiki/The_Tekkit_Wiki Towny Commands: http://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/towny/wiki/Commands Beginner Guide By CosmicBlock This guide aims to help new players settle down and secure their items, with the eventual goal of creating a town. It assumes that its readers have already read the tekkit forums post and therefore know the basic commands. 1. Creating a relatively safe dwelling First thing on your agenda is to find a relatively secluded area. Your best bet is to travel 1000+ blocks from spawn. Avoid sprinting and jumping as much as possible; food will be scarce. You will find close to zero animals on your trip. Remember to grab some seeds from grass on your way. Found a good spot? Good. Use the stone tools you spawned with to mine out a small dwelling underground. This will be your house. Close up the entrance with some dirt so people don't find it, and don't forget to mark it with a waypoint. Next up is food. Set up a wheat farm with the seeds you picked up earlier. You are most likely starving at this point, so you'll want to avoid mobs at night. Go mining while your wheat is growing, but be careful. Harvest your wheat when you are back and eat the bread. You should start regenerating your health if you are at full hunger. Now that you are at full health (and maybe iron armor from mining), you can go out and kill some skeletons for bonemeal. Use all the bonemeal to get more bread, and keep expanding your wheat farm. Congratulations! You now have a sustainable source of food and basic housing. 2. Hiding your chests You'll want to hide your valuable chests under some stone and have decoy chests above, like so: 3. Making a town Continue playing the game as normal with the specific goal of obtaining gold and silver. You can sell gold ingots at spawn for 25$; silver for $10. You need $5,000 to make a town. A town will provide you with block protection to cover your chests so you can continue to advance and eventually compete with other players when you are properly equipped. You may want to apply for another town soon, but the town you just made is to provide temporary protection. 4. Covering your chests Now that you have a town, all blocks in the plot you just claimed can not be broken by outsiders. This allows you to cover up your chests when you are not using them to make then inaccessable, like so: That's the basics. Just remember, it's a PVP server and you're always at the threat of being raided, so the best way to survive until you can get a town running is to be as hidden as possible. Some more tips When you go to spawn to liquidate your gold and silver, use the spawn teleportation (/ltp spawn and stand still for 20 seconds) otherwise you risk being killed by travellers Avoid wearing armor (even nano) when travelling, it makes you look like a valuable target and you will likely be spared when seen if you have no armor on.
  3. Description: NationsMC is a dedicated server, originally solely Tekkit, though recently we have created our own modpack to meet our players’ requests. We are constantly updating the modpack and adding new mods that the community desires to enhance the industrial, Tekkit-esque atmosphere of the server. In addition to being focused on industrial expansion, we also allow raiding and PvP. However, griefing is strictly prohibited. We have a dedicated team of moderators and admins who manage chat and make sure the rules are being enforced, so that everyone can join the server and not be harassed or griefed before they can do anything. Server IP: nationsmc.com TeamSpeak IP: nationsmc.com Download Teamspeak: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads Website: http://www.nationsgaming.com/ Modpack: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/nationsmc.6114 Note: It is very important to increase your PermGen on the Technic Launcher. It prevents you from crashing loading the modpack. To do this, simply open your launcher, click the large gear in the top right, checkmark “Increase Permgen Size”, then save the changes. Processor: AMD Opteron 3280 Octacore, 8-Core Processor. RAM: 32GB DDR3 Hard Drive: 4TB SATA Upload Rate: 100mbps Uptime: 24/7, spare for rare maintenance due to updates Staff: Owner: Diabloz Admins: Tacoriffic926, TheLolness, XeleonPrime, Sjaelen, Jimothy5, Liffki Moderators: OnlyOnMendays, Spunkiethefirst, Redbecca469 Plugin Managers: Tacorriffic926, Diabloz ModPack Dev: Tacoriffic926 Website Managers: Chivers706, Sjaelen Simplified Rules: - Do not break/tamper with machine blocks that don’t belong to your or your town. - Do not kill people who have just left spawn. - Do not grief. - Do not use vulgar language in chat or on the forums. - Do not harass other players on the server. For the full list of rules, which are especially important for raiding, go here: http://nationsgaming.com/index.php?pages/rules/ Core Mods: - Applied Energistics - Biomes O' Plenty - Buildcraft - ComputerCraft - Forestry - GregTech - Industrial Craft - Logistics Pipes - MineFactory - Natura - Railcraft - Steve's Carts - Thermal Expansion Plugins: - Combat Tag - Eco Creature - Essentials - IConomy - Limited Teleport - Minequery - Permissions Ex - Prism - Questioner - Towny - TownyChat - Vanish NoPacket - World Border - Arcane Bore - Auto-Spawner - Blackhole Chests - Cannons - Cart-Anchors - Chunkloaders - Dynamite - Enderpearls; Usage only, can still be used in crafting. - Enderporters - Forcefields - Industrial TNT - Nukes - Personal Safes - Portable Hole - Quantum Chest - Quantum Chestplate - Quantum Tank - Turtles - Wand of Equal Trade - Wand of Excavation - World Anchors NationsGaming is a Minecraft and gaming community since 2011
  4. im having a similar problem, could you explain how you fixed it?
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