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Everything posted by Diabloz

  1. All whitelisted, No one will treat you like a child based on your tekkit knowledge rather your behavior towards others. Contact sicken009 to join Anyon.
  2. whitelisted, Further more you guys should get on the server teamspeak to make complaints since they can be handles live, i will look into this situation, can you please get on the teamspeak server to make the complain, it would make things alot easier for me.
  3. He inst an Admin, sorry i just woke up, you dont need to rage on my thread every time something bad happens. He is an outlaw and can easily be jailed by a guard. Please give me time to log on and i don't appreciate you threatening me to leave my server thats on you this is a PVP server aswell.Also It is possible to obtain quantum leggings and helmet aswell as boots through mob killing.
  4. whitelisted @_o, we are getting a lot of european players that have been collecting in the teamspeak server you should fit right in.
  5. For me i had to turn fakeplayer log in for buildcraft true for some reason it was set to false and its when i had the error.
  6. you need to update your java to java 7, for your 32 or 64 bit operating system, then go to your tekkit client > options > click development build and ensure its 3.1.2 . we have a teamspeak server but we could do skype ill let you know tonight since im still at work. Edit: all been whitelisted
  7. im pretty sure in the BC config there's an option to disable engine explosions..., deleting or black listing a valuable item such as engines should be your last solution. I would ignore Techpriest's advise.
  8. not hard just lower your client settings, turn off sound if you have to, these are a good start.
  9. Did you add a new plugin or something, gimme a list of your plugins, i had the same problem.
  10. find your launch/start/whatever.bat or .sh look for -Xms1G -Xmx 1G and change the 1G to whatever moemory you want, it might not say 1G as i am showing you as an example. remember to leave some memory for your other applications as resources, and then add this magical plugin, http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/obushutthehellup/
  11. You should of told your players the plans of updating to 3.1.2, how to update... Its not the recommended build yet cause its not ready, and Im not sure they would lie and say its the recommended build just for your-sake. If you want your players back so much go back to 3.0.4 if not tough luck.
  12. you might need a bat box near by cause it produces very low voltage, maybe 0-4 blocks way connected by cooper
  13. You need to update your java to java 7 for whatever operating server (32-bit or 64-bit) and then get the latest 3.1.2 build. Also, taking things from chests as a raid are alright, the players responsibility should be to try to prevent other players from accessing their chests anyway possible, may this include putting a block over your chest in a towny region or hidding a chests in the middle of nowhere in a under ground safe.-- White listed.
  14. Major thing for limiting mods is to reduce server lag, usually if you arnt running a ssd you limit mods such a wirelessredstone netherore etc... to increase your servers TPS.
  15. thats a great suggestion! i will implement it right away. (when i get home), tbh im going to make a preferred list of players also.
  16. I hope who your were visiting in the hospital got better and its good to hear you can join us.
  17. once its "running" you enter your ip, and join the server
  18. what...? Edit: you should be doing this: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/how-to-set-up-a-tekkit-server-step-by-step-guide-win-7-images.2299/
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