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Everything posted by Diabloz

  1. I invest the donation money on stocks... and i payed for 3 years in advance when i sold out big, i don't really worry about it anymore, i get donations once in a while which I'm planning on investing 3 years ahead if I'm still running a server.
  2. its your upload speed, you need higher then 20mbps after 10 ppl constantly playing
  3. This is the recommended way of stopping people from hacking your computer. What would be the point of a computer password then? might as well just have a protected push button which no-one can access, but the player who created it.
  4. Even so the integration of emeralds to the current server would be as easy as setting up a Trade-o-mat shop which would integrate the item with the economy of the server. -all whitelisted-
  5. Lol i don't pretend its not an issue, if you seen any of my post out of the server section you would know my work on server lagg, and how you reduce it. guess you cant win em all.
  6. Not to mention, we allow every single player to run their own factories/companies. Without limit, we are only a few of the servers out there that even allow most mods without limit. Of course we were feeling those lag spikes, but most of those are client sided spikes, spikes like that should crash the server, but this server doesn't crash and is limited to a single server restart daily, with a weekly maintenance. Down this stretch of the week before server maintenance there is sure to be lag until we refresh it and remove and inspect the server from lagging creations the players build, all in all server has been running at 13-15TPS at prime time, with 45/45 people. You judge this server and you never even been on our forums, teamspeak nor did you even play for an hour you must be some real expert on Tekkit seeing as you frequently post on the tekkit general/tekkit bug section (/sarcasm).
  7. As of right now Anyon is overloaded and facing some issues, you may ask around for some other towns. whitelisted.
  8. I am definitely amused beyond belief, how could a person be so ignorant of how their justice system works to the point of posting that video. I like how she pretends to give meaning to her "maturity" in this video, when in all this is just making him/her (I'm not quite sure of your gender, so please don't sue me) look like a total waste of human space to a certain degree. This is almost as bad as trying to sue someone for editing the wikipedia page with sledder's information, all in all no-one will really give a shit. I'm not sure who this person, but this escalated rather quickly and like kaker's quote used to say" I will talk to notch himself if i have too!" is what this persons next step should be.
  9. Name: John Minecraft name: Diabloz Age: 26 Country: Canada time zone: EDT Skype: Diabloz15 Previous moderating experience: Owner of NationsMC Tekkit (plugin/website/programer/owner) Skills: work speaks for itself: Server: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/3-1-2-nations-tekkit-pvp-rp-survival-40-slots-24-7-towny-iconomy-shops.14973/ Website: nationsmc.com -Graphics/photoshop experience -Tekkit experience -programming -plugin management Brief explanation of why i should pick you: - I applied to be a helper and someone you can ask for questions, I love the idea of a medival fantasy since that was a type of server i first played on minecraft. - I can help reduce any server Lag, Answer almost any question tekkit/MC related, you might have seen me lurking the tekkit forums helping people out in the bug section, helping is what i do. What you expect: - Id expect you to be serious about a project like this and take the role of being a complete leader, usually a strong leader/owner makes for a good server, being able to say yes or no when a situation presents it self is what i would expect. - Id expect a small moderator role, if not i can just be someone you can come to for advise.
  10. I have lag down to a science on my tekkit server, The problem with TPS lagg issues comes from many sources. Here is a list on confirmed (based on my tests TPS) affecting things that will lag your server: Wireless red stone - (i haven't found why, just it costs 3-5 TPS to run) Quarries - (the bigger the laggier your server will be will usually after 1-15 TPS major Source of server Lag) Buildcraft pipes - Laggy when having a large amount of items running through them (about 1-5 TPS) IC2 machines and Power converters- will cost about 2TPS Max, will cause more client side lag rather Terrible wiring- will cause some lag, usually 1-7 TPS on loaded chunks. Computer craft Loops - Any os.reboot loop will cause about 1-18TPS server lag (can bring a server to its knees) mob Entities - depends on number of players Loaded chunks - depends on number of players and anchors Error spams on consoles - Obvious don't ignore these. Red power clocks/timers/cobble stone generators - varies Large amount of plugin - these can have major impact, especially if they are poorly configured. Tips: under the buildcraft config setting there is a network manager setting increase the value to remove most of BC lagg, though quarries will still have major impact on server TPS find a plugin that will Cap number of entities on your map I created a linux script that will remove os.reboot loops My Map moderates fix or remove laggy wiring/factories Seriously think in removing plugins/mods your really don't need.
  11. I never though of server owners in the deluxe section to be competing, I thought of them as mutually successful servers. I was under the impression that the server op swap shop was the place to collectively give advises about running servers in general. The thing about the Deluxed Section is that there is a variety of different style of servers, aswell as different stories and experiences. I wouldn't give away my personal server information because when you create a server you try and put your unique creative mark on it, your personal twist and your own hard work. Thats what makes a deluxed server, the amount of work, time and creativity. It's up to new Server owners to try and find their own paths, ideas and creative game mechanics. As far as your guide sure you can put what ever you'd like but it wouldn't be the same as your servers because you guys make the server not your plugins/banned mods. I run NationsMC and i am grateful players enjoy the server even if it wasn't deluxed.
  12. The Hellen Keller server group to me at least is the most well thought out system Ive ever seen on a forums, I'm actually quite impressed that it actually serves its purpose in correcting and controlling such a large community. Kudos to the Forums admins, especially in providing entertainment to the players who follow and read the server rules and attempt to contribute to the players in this community.
  13. remove additional pipes, start the server, stop it and install it again see if that works @_0
  14. I have lag down to a science on my tekkit server, The problem with TPS lagg issues comes from many sources. Here is a list on confirmed (based on my tests TPS) affecting things that will lag your server: Wireless red stone - (i haven't found why, just it costs 3-5 TPS to run) Quarries - (the bigger the laggier your server will be will usually after 1-15 TPS major Source of server Lag) Buildcraft pipes - Laggy when having a large amount of items running through them (about 1-5 TPS) IC2 machines and Power converters- will cost about 2TPS Max, will cause more client side lag rather Terrible wiring- will cause some lag, usually 1-7 TPS on loaded chunks. Computer craft Loops - Any os.reboot loop will cause about 1-18TPS server lag (can bring a server to its knees) mob Entities - depends on number of players Loaded chunks - depends on number of players and anchors Error spams on consoles - Obvious don't ignore these. Red power clocks/timers/cobble stone generators - varies Large amount of plugin - these can have major impact, especially if they are poorly configured. Tips: under the buildcraft config setting there is a network manager setting increase the value to remove most of BC lagg, though quarries will still have major impact on server TPS find a plugin that will Cap number of entities on your map I created a linux script that will remove os.reboot loops My Map moderates fix or remove laggy wiring/factories Seriously think in removing plugins/mods your really don't need.
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