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Everything posted by Chezzik

  1. Here's a link for the craftbukkit release. I think it would be good to have a sticky about the upcoming release. Even if the devs didn't post in it at all, it would be good to have just one place for users to speculate about what it may or may not have. This topic has a chance to be deleted, since the mods don't like people bugging them about the release, and there was a topic just like this yesterday. Nightfury, what is that site you posted? It's not part of the bukkit site, so it's clearly not official. It looks to me like someone is trying to profit off of other people's mods by hosting them all on that site. Edit: wow wow wow that's a lot of hate for this thread. I knew there would be some, but wow. I still think there should be a sticky about the upcoming release, so all this chatter would be there instead. By the way, you can't fix idiots by simply yelling at them.
  2. Responses above me are good. You do have to be careful about asking questions that mods feel are asked too often. Craftbukkit may not be released for quite a while for 1.2. I also wanted to add that in the Technic SSP forum, there 's a post that is updated daily with the status of Technic pack mods and 1.2.4: http://forums.technicpack.net/index.php/topic,3015.0.html As you can see, with the exception of Crafting Table II, I believe that all the Tekkit mods are up to at least 1.2.3, for single player. I'm pretty sure the multiplayer for those all require bukkit, though, so I do not think any are available for multiplayer. As someone said in that thread, there are a huge number of bugs in 1.2.x related to Anvil, so it is possible that it may be skipped altogether for the Technic pack. I would assume the same could be said for Tekkit. I, also, am very excited about 1.2, but it's clearly way too early to be asking about a Tekkit release for it. You have as much information as anyone here about when bukkit may be available for 1.2, and it's really the bottleneck for everything.
  3. Chezzik


    That button does nothing for me. I can click it all day and all night, and no window ever comes up. The .exe launcher does the same thing for me. I'm guessing that it's crashing. But, the .jar works fine for launching, so I've always just used it.
  4. It may seem obvious, but in the top left of the client launcher is a pulldown list. Make sure "Tekkit" is selected, not "Technic SSP". If you pick the wrong one, you'll be booted for having the wrong mods.
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