I was just testing to see if EnderStuff+ was compatible with Tekkit Lite and it is! Also EnderStuff+ is has Multiplayer support so you can fight Ender ignis, Nivis, or just tame an Ender Miss with your friends and have cool machinery at the same time! Here is the mod link: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1578187-146-spmplan-enderstuff-v101/
To install on windows go to the start tab and search %appdata% then hit enter. then go to
then once you are there drag the 0_SAPManPack_v13.jar into the mods folder of tekkit lite (0_SAPManPack_v13.jar download is near the top of the mod page) then drag the EnderStuffP_v101.jar into the mods folder! Then start tekkit lite!
For macs: download the Jars mentioned at the end of the windows installation. Then open finder, then library, then application support, then techniclauncher, then tekkitlite, then the mods folder and drag the 0_SAPManPack_v13.jar and EnderStuffP_v101.jar into the mods folder. Start tekkit lite! (this is for Minecraft 1.4.6 tekkit lite) Hope you like having this modpack and EnderStuff+ together, I know I do!