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Posts posted by Viktor_Berg

  1. IC2 was taken out because:

    1. It's not been updated for over half a year.

    2. It's a poorly coded, glitchy mess of a mod.

    3. It's outdated both feature-wise and mechanics-wise.

    4. It adds yet another separate energy network, which is just unnecessary. Currently Tekkit only needs MJ to run every machine out there.

    5. It's been made COMPLETELY obsolete by other mods. Tools, armor, machines - everything is replaced. The only things there are no equivalents for in Tekkit are nuclear reactors and mining lasers (although there are plasma cannons and railguns). And in the next version of Tekkit, we will get the Big Reactors mod, which will add multiblock generators, including a nuclear one.

    As for power production, there is the MineFactory Reloaded biofuel generator, which with a little set up can produce immense amounts of power completely autonomously. Not that you need that much power, Tekkit has far fewer big power consumers. Who needs oil when you can burn saplings that drop continuously from from a 25x25 auto tree farm?

    Also, you are kind of an ass in your posts.

  2. Do you mean like crafting templates, smelting templates, etc.? Or do you mean templates for complete pages? Or maybe both? I mean, I can just grab an existing page and make changes, but I suppose blank ones would speed things along just a little bit more.

    If you get a chance, check out: http://wiki.technicpack.net/Compressed_Sawdust . Any idea why I'm getting that goofy gap in the middle (between Crafting and Usage)? No idea how to fix it...

    Probably because of the space required for the template on the right side of the page.

  3. I tried to think up an ad-hoc solution to this, and here's what I came up with:

    There are 3 pens - one for breeding, one for children, and one for grown up children. There is a know amount of adults in the breeding pen, say 8. One round of breeding will therefore produce 4 children. These children will be transferred to a second pen, BUT! Behind the prototyper, there is a pressure plate. Once the animal is transferred to the other side, it triggers that pressure plate, which will activate a piston to push it off the plate (you can use cows, which are more than 1.5 blocks tall) and down into the second pen, which is 2 blocks below the pressure plate (so that cows cannot walk/jump back onto the plate).

    Now, this same pressure plate is connected to either a PRC or a computer, which will have a counter of sorts. Once it counts to 4 (4 children have passed the system), it knows that all the adults in the first pen have bred and produced children. Thus, it sends a redstone signal to the Breeder, shutting it down.

    The 4 children in the second pen eventually grow up, and get chronotyped into the third pen, with the exact same counting system. This system does the opposite of what the previous one does, and re-enables the Breeder once all 4 children have grown up, been transferred and slaughtered.

  4. Emitters can control buses?

    Yes. It's even shown in that DW20 video you posted. It's one of the buttons on the interface - you can set the bus to import/export when provided with redstone signal, no redstone signal, or one operation per redstone tick.

  5. What way do you have this configured? Do you have individual machines set up to craft each of these items?

    I'm planning to start using Level Emitters on my automated farms soon so I can really stop them running when not needed. As I understand you configure it so that over/under a certain number detected on the network it'll emit a signal and turn on/off the machine. I haven't used any yet because I currently have multiple crops planted in the same field (using the same planter) so I can't control things on a per-crop basis until I build more fields.

    Yes, but only because I want to keep things orderly and neat (my machines are embedded into walls). if I wanted to, I could fit up to 5 level emitter + export bus configurations (which is what I use) around a single furnace/pulverizer, but I don't see the need, because the only items I keep a constant level of are smooth stone, sand and glass. Maybe I will eventually add something else, like clay/bricks, I dunno.

    As for controlling planters, what you can do is use several export buses instead of one, and then shut them down as needed. You can fit 4 buses around the sides of the planter, plus one side for energy supply.

    Actually, now that I think about it, storage buses would be better than export buses. Then you could configure them to only keep 1 stack seeds per slot, so that it doesn't get overwhelmed by 1 sort of seeds.

  6. Not really. First of all, the design of the molecule itself is not spherical, second, a perfect sphere assumes an infinite amount of points, while the buckyball has only 60 atoms in it. Finally, the atoms themselves are neither smooth, nor spherical.

    Neither are subatomic particles, for that matter. Maybe quarks are? Who knows.

  7. High portability is one of big advantages of Appplied Energistics. Drained your area of resources? Fret not, deconstruct your base, stick everything into some additional storage disks and move out! You also don't need to sort anything, if you use an ME drive, it will always fill up existing item types in any partially empty drives first. Of course, it's still a good idea to preformat so that you can keep track of your storage in case you need to move your disks. 5 of my 10 disks are preformatted with various themes (such as minerals, metals, flora/fauna, building materials, as well as the logical dump disk for cobble/dirt/gravel/sand).

    The big problem with an ME network is, of course, its high energy consumption. My network currently uses 90 energy units per tick. That's 18 MJ/t. This is where stuff like autonomous biogenerators come in handy.

    [EDIT]: Also, good luck moving your autocrafting system, if you have one. My molecular assembly chamber currently has 2.5 pages of crafting patterns. That's approximately 130-140 patterns. Certainly a pain to move around.

  8. Cobble is the most plentiful harvestable resource in the Overworld. It can even be generated completely for free with the Igneous Extruder. I don't see why you would think it a waste to just get rid of it.

  9. It can only be used to produce fertilizer right now. I doubt it will have much more use than that in the future - fertilizer can be indirectly used to produce power (i.e. to speed up MFR plant farms, generating more biomass).

  10. What you could do is provide an alternate input for sand - i.e. set up an autonomous extruder -> pulverizer chain that serves ONLY the purpose of providing sand for the smelters. Now, if you need to use the smelter for recipes which don't need sand (like hardened glass, electrum, invar and whatnot), you will have to create another one - but it's a small price to pay for the fact that your system will start working flawlessly from this point on.

  11. Maybe once Universal Electricity transitions into BuildCraft energy (I've heard talk of that), we will see Atomic Science in Tekkit. Multiblock fission and fusion reactors. Maybe even proper tokamaks eventually.

    oh there is one more thing I wanted to ask, you guys mention "buildcrafr power" is there a reason for it? Is there another kind of power not compatible with something within the same game? That wouldn't make much sense would it?

    That's the beauty of the current version of Tekkit. It has ONE power system. No longer do you need to mess around with 3-4 different kinds of cables. Well, you still kinda do, because ME networks require cabling, but the point still stands, no longer do you need to worry about converting to and fro between different power systems, trying to figure out conversion rates, accounting for energy losses in transitions etc.

  12. Steam engines won't overheat if you attach them to redstone energy conduits, and if you don't and they overload, they will simply stop instead of blowing up. No explosions from TE machinery :P

    KingLemming is the Anti-Greg.

    Quarry delivers coal to a chest, red power engine (or just a wooden pipe now I think) takes it to the engines, those produce electricity to power everything plus the quarry itself? would that even work? I guess a plant of Stirling engines would do the trick for the start?

    Also is it just me or the steam engines are now called Stirling and the Steam ones are completely different?

    The quarry will never produce enough coal to sustain itself, even with steam engines. Its maximum energy use is 10 MJ/t, which means it'd need to run off 5 Steam engines burning 5 pieces of coal simultaneously.

    As for the rebranding of Steam engines to Stirling - the makers of BuildCraft figured (and rightfully so), that an engine that runs purely off burning something cannot be considered a steam engine, there's no water involved anywhere. Meanwhile, a stirling engine can, indeed, operate on one constant heat source (check it up on wikipedia for more explanation) without any water.

  13. Trust me when I say this. Large tree farms produce more wood than you will EVER need, spruce, oak or birch. I have customized my Tekkit pack a bit, and have Factorization, mainly for the barrels. My 25x25 farm filled up 3 normal barrels with wood within a few hours of it starting to work. That's 192 stacks of logs. More than I will ever need. I have to send everything else into a void pipe.

    Now, why would I suggest even bothering about leaves and saplings and stuff if you get so much wood no matter what kind of tree you use? The reason is simple - an oak farm is no good at producing anything other than wood. A spruce farm is very good at producing wood, but can ALSO be used to produce biofuel, because the saplings are just that plentiful. Simply put, oak farms are single-purpose, spruce farms are multi-purpose. Also, biofuel is a much better fuel source than steam power, at least in my opinion.

    As for the maximum size of the harveseter, I don't really know. You can try and experiment in a Creative world with it. Try different sizes, see which ones work optimally for your purpose.

  14. It's normal. For whatever reason, Harvesters with large radius upgrades behave weirdly sometimes. You just have to be patient and let it run for a while and stabilize itself.

    Also, if you are making a biofuel plant, I would STRONGLY suggesting using fir trees instead of oaks. I've had much better experience using those - they don't grow in all kinds of funky shapes, and do not clump up like oak trees do (thus creating more leaf blocks for saplings to drop from). You can also dedicate a part of the 25x25 area to growing cactus. They grow relatively quickly, and can boost the fuel output of your biofuel gens to more than double its efficiency if only using saplings. Just don't forget to first smelt cactus into cactus green using an adjacent furnace, raw cactus blocks don't produce fuel in the generator.

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