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Posts posted by Viktor_Berg

  1. IIRC, Railcraft adds cart detector blocks. Find them in NEI, determine which ones you need (there is a boatload of different ones), craft them and place them under the rail where you want to detect the cart. Also, I think some of the detector blocks actually have an interface that allows one to configure them, but I might remember wrong - it's been long since I've played around with the mod.

    Edit: Yes, there are detectors for so many cases. You can use an Advanced Detector to detect a certain type of minecart, and even Train Detectors to detect trains of certain sizes. There is also an IC2 storage cart detector.


  2. Who cares about expensive?

    Or are you part of the dumb collective that are all about efficiency and shit?

    As a cybernetics engineer, I take offense in this statement. Efficiency and optimization are staples of technological advancement, and calling it "dumb" is about as offensive as you can be towards technology.

  3. I would personally eliminate the collectors and perhaps the relays. Also, increase EMC value of diamonds (to make them harder to synthesize from common materials) even further, and separate most if not all EE specific materials and tools into the Fuel category in the Transmutation Tablet. To balance the inability to spontaneously generate EMC out of thin air, somewhat decrease the price of dark matter and red matter, so that it's still possible to create them within a human's lifetime.

    Klein Stars can still be charged in the Tablet, so the overall functionality of the mod shouldn't be hampered.

    Thinking of which, I'd probably split the transmutation recipes even further, like separate organic matter and minerals/metals from the rest.

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