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Posts posted by Viktor_Berg

  1. Please be more comprehensive in your problem description. Post a screenshot of the error, or even better, an error log of some description (Forge logs are pretty good). Does it crash when you start up the program itself, or when you try to launch/download a pack?

  2. Yea, Minecraft and Tekkit are not HDD intensive, will use more RAM and CPU. Adding a SSD won't help server performance except maybe when the server is booting or loading.

    Are you sure? Last I checked, Minecraft had to constantly save and retrieve chunks from the HDD.

  3. Watched DW20's latest spotlight of ExtraUtils, and holy fuck, why did I bother reading comments? The bias and ignorance of 99.9% of the posters is amazing. Furthermore, why did I even reply to one of them? I bet my inbox will be spammed by FTB fanbois.

    Sage words, from a probably super handsome dude.

    Also I don't see why she would do that. Everyone still talks like there is some cold war. We are all nice guys on Technic. We can forgive and forget in the name of progress. Slow and Jadecat are both chilling in the technic irc channels. Both teams are much more interested in serving the community. The only people still slinging shit are the people of that community. Way to go!!!

    The community and some of the more malicious mod authors (such as CJ or greg, for instance).

  4. They'll probably make a magic-heavy modpack (maybe they already have), and completely miss the point of Hexxit, that being an adventure focus and a huge difficulty spike aimed at a small tight-knit group of people playing together, maybe even using a form of voice communication (like Teamspeak, Skype, Raidcall, Mumble etc).

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