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Everything posted by M-C

  1. Does that purple armor look thaumic to anyone else...?
  2. hadn't even thought about that!!! that might just be it!
  3. the first one's a traveler, it seems, or maybe a warrior. the second's a mage and the third an archer.
  4. Quickly did the same thing, sweet, thanks for the tip! Here:
  5. Released the 21TH <<<(EDIT: I'm not changing that.) of June, seems to be going towards another direction than the one most modpacks go to. Probably magic modpack. That's about all.
  6. Hmm? The numbers aren't different with the tens, I just stared at it for a while. EDIT: have you seen this?
  7. Woah, sweet! Just noticed it. Looks like next week friday a new pack's comin'.
  8. Hm, 'tis a pity, I'm using an app... (LazDude gave me enough bad looks already) EDIT: Just looked through urcraft and jenkins, couldn't find much. Also, someone looked through the page source using chrome, it says: Teaser In The Source
  9. Do you keep the logs? We could try searching for sct in them.
  10. I also got an ETA on irc but I forgot to note that aswell , all hail me!
  11. The moment I saw that interview with Wylker, I knew it was going to be a magical pack. EDIT: THEY ALL CALLED ME CRAZY!!! I told you all a new pack was coming, even the sct said it! EDIT2: no irc log proof that sct said it because I'm dumb. But he said it.
  12. Amazing list, I completely agree with anything said. I like powercrystals a lot too. Not only did he create an amazing mod used in some of the oldest versions of Technic. He even reimplemented redpower wire AND all the gates, and added a ton more functions to them with that. He never runs out of steam, adding something new like every two weeks.
  13. Other science topic, I have a question: chemistry, how come some of the lanthanides have an electron in the 5d orbital instead of the 4f? EDIT: nvm, I was told about the similarities in energy levels between the two suborbitals with the lanthanides.
  14. Donkere energie. I don't like dutch terms either...
  15. It's still there as www.dropbox-etc. and not dl.dropbox... Are you sure you changed it to dl on platform? EDIT: :ninja:
  16. Wow, seems like you had some amazing adventures xD. If only I didn't live in Europe. I'll watch some more of his videos ^.^ .
  17. Hehehe... Maybeee...? I'm already in love with his videos.
  18. It's probably insanely hard to do, I couldn't possibly know, because... Well... I'm an idiot when it comes to coding. Good luck with this huge project jakj . I'm looking forward to it.
  19. Uh... What is this supposed to.... Nevermind...?
  20. My art doesn't even get close to yours, I tried manga-ing for the first time in my life, but why not contribute now that I can? EDIT: this was all made with a single badly sharpened pencil and an eraser, please keep this in mind before hate.
  21. Hm, okay. Thank you.
  22. Hm, I wondered, does the 1.5.1 version also work with 1.5.2? Or was that a big update that changed a lot.
  23. Or you could just, you know, cheat..? If you feel like you need to spawn items in, do it? There's no problem if that's your playstyle, or how you like to play.
  24. I've added you to our suggestion conversation. I'll add a link to my suggestions on kitty jail in this post. EDIT: http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/kitty-jail.27023/page-358 There are also some suggestions on the pages before and after, just ignore the jokey ones (like the karyuu no houkou xd)
  25. I hope GreenWolf gave you all the suggestions he got from me ;D, he had like 50 (only the good ones, that is)
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