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Everything posted by M-C

  1. It should have multiple inventories each with their own 'frequency' so you're able to send items inside certain inventories to other chests with the same frequency linked to one of its inventories. Also: an internal sorter to put the items it receives into the frequency/inventory you've set the item to get filtered into. Basically a multitool omnichest. EDIT: about the mithril and adamant sprites, I've lost them too :L, I'll make new ones tomorrow.
  2. That's an exe, not a .jar file. Also, remember to put the contents in, not the entire voltz.jar
  3. I'll look into it, thanks! EDIT: nice profile picture, zombie-san xD.
  4. So, the bday of someone I know is coming soon and she is completely obsessed with Chobits. I'd like to buy her something like a figurine or maybe an artbook. Does anyone know a good website where I could find stuff like this? (Delivered in Netherlands)
  5. Did you just switch the words hockey and okay in your second sentence? :l
  6. I quite like basketball, that doesn't mean I'm very good at it though. I'm decent at volleyball.
  7. I'm kind of going back to the beginning here, but I feel that if you would've explained the prince and his friend a bit more (Why they're great friends, how they always went fishing together (for example), how they've known eachother for so long etc. etc.) I think his death would've had a way bigger impact on me.
  8. This http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1521113-wipmakotos-chibi-mod-hatsune-miku-and-linklegend-of-zelda-model/ Mod I love. EDIT: I know it's far from done.
  9. Mikuuu! <3. My profile pic is here because I raised a creeper, he decided to join ict and I got the idea of making this profile pic.
  10. And this belongs here... Why?
  11. This link has been spammed in various threads so far, I feel so special I'm part of the targeted community.
  12. I'd like a mod for living bananas with rabies
  13. So... I've made a magic pack (1.4.7) and Niavmai's uploaded it to the platform for me (thanks Niavmai!) If anyone wants to play with it or test it, here's the platform url: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/m-cs-pack.50 The pack isn't open to public yet, so you'll only be able to get to it through that link. Scrap that, it's open to public now! The official forums for the pack: http://magecookbook.enjin.com/forum/m/11735761/post/last Mods it currently includes are: - Ars Magica (Mithion) - Thaumcraft 3 (Azanor) - Magecraft (Greenwolf13) - NEI (Chickenbones) - Battle Towers (Atomicstryker) - Damageindicators (rich1051414) - Runic Dust (billythegoat101) - Enderstorage (Chickenbones) - Mystcraft (XCompWiz) - Xeno's Reliquary (x3n0ph0b3) - Twilight Forest (Benimatic) - LegendGear (NMcCoy) - Minions Mod (AtomicStryker) - More Bows (iDiamondhunter) - Custom LAN (CptHunter) - Dragon Mounts (BarracudaATA) - Particle Decoration (SanAndreasP) Bugs: - None found so far. Todo: Background/Better logo Thank you list: - Niavmai for uploading the pack to the Technic platform for me with his account. (Before I got one.) - sct for the beta key - The many helpful people on the irc! Installation: 1. Get the Techniclauncher 2.0 2. Press add new pack 3. Enter the url you can find on the page above into the blank area Planned mods: - *insert endgame mod here* If you have any bugs to report or any suggestions for mods feel free to post them. EDIT: I've got my own platform account now, the link hasn't changed though.
  14. The one in the .jar you download from minecraft.net
  15. Aha, I was close, thank you!
  16. Hm, I did get a message, now that you mention it. I think there's... Like two more weeks until my point expires.
  17. Changed it in the OP, thanks!
  18. Hm, no, brb, I'll try EDIT: It worked! Great! I've got a working radar EDIT 2: Seems like it can only display one target at a time... Anyone got an idea for multiple targets?
  19. I've tried doing that, still nothing getting displayed. About the first thing, it sleeps for one second before it clears the screen (second last line). So it shouldn't go away too quickly. EDIT: aha, it says error: attempt to call nil at line 9. Here's what my code currently looks like:
  20. oh wow, that's a stupid mistake, thanks a lot! Changed it, monitor's still not displaying anything... No errors though EDIT: the screen is 5 horizontally and 3 vertically. EDIT 2: changed the cursor positions to 1,1 1,2 and 1,3. Still nothing displayed
  21. So, I was trying to make a radar with a monitor and ccSensors, I'm not very skilled with computercraft but I know a bit about it. Now, I've stumbled upon a problem. I get an error saying an '=' is expected at line 7, which is the line saying 'mon.setTextScale(5). I don't know why it expects an = here, could anyone possibly help? Here's my code: This all runs through a startup program which basically keeps it on when redstone is applied: while redstone.getInput("left") == true do shell.run("getcard") end getcard being the program in the picture.
  22. It's obviously Kaaiker
  23. Look at the post above yours, some things have changed (the top sentence).
  24. You're smart, your friends get jealous and you run out of friends. After this you make robot friends and they decide to take over the world and murder you. I wish for starcraft 2 - Heart of the Swarm
  25. Great job! The launcher looks very professionally made.
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