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Industrial Miner

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Everything posted by Industrial Miner

  1. Not motivated to do anything

  2. I have only seen messages about finding and installing mods, my SuperSecretOldUltimatePackWhichIsn'tInTheLauncherBecauseItExistedWaaaayEarlier pack and how to make a functioning system.
  3. ANY modpack really, since you can play ssp on any of them.
  4. Don't even bother. Suggestions for more weapons, armor and possibly more ores are banned until the very sacred Industrium Conflict addon.
  5. Optionally all of the aforementioned.
  6. _Mataroyale_Mod_packer_ is banned for saying NO, while I can. YES I CAN BE AN IRON MAN AND TERMINATOR IN ONE.
  7. vitorsly is banned, because the only person who can be the Supreme Terminator is me, as seen in my avatar.
  8. Stay at the rules. The insult must be about the avatar, not what the previous person said or did.
  9. Use that for UUmatter or use a multi-step MFSU system. Scroll down to 2.3.1 forum.industrial-craft.net/index.php?page=Thread&threadID=5198
  10. just save it where it was. No moving around.
  11. Place the Energy Link right next to the BC machine. DO NOT use conductive pipes inbetween. This way, a working BC machine will only take energy when needed and then no more, just like how IC2 machines work. Trust me, I've done research on this.
  12. I farted and my toast doesn't pizza. Post a proper bugreport if you want us to help you.
  13. Man, too many FUCKING girls dressed as sluts at the age of 11-14. FUCKING SLUTS.

  14. Go to your tekkitclassic folder. Then somewhere in that folder you should find a redpower folder with a config file in it. Open it with Wordpad, NOT Notepad and scroll down to the line where it says AutoAssign. Replace the 0 with a 1 and restart minecraft. Redpower should find some free ID's and fix itself. Really, fixing a ID conflict isn't that hard to fix -.-'
  15. Use what Teraku said, Enderchests with a diamond. The pros and cons between the Safe and the Enderchest are: Safe can't be destroyed, the Enderchest can however. The Safe can't share it's inventory between dimensions and other safes, the Enderchest can. IF the Safe gets deleted/destroyed, you'll probably lose it's contents. The Enderchest inventory will still exist (unless you delete it's datafile) across all dimensions and can be accessed again.
  16. Not sure whether you're an analfabete or are trying to troll. The error is clearly stated in the log and if you have a bit of computer knowledge, leave alone know how Minecraft modding works, you could fix this yourself.
  17. Lethosos should be banned because he doesn't follow the Avatar Posting Rules, subsection Heads facement. They clearly state that if you have a head for your avatar that you should make it face to the left. It's true because the two Adminous Creepers Kakermix and Cheap Shot follow that rule.
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