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The Count

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Everything posted by The Count

  1. servers really good. generally people are nice, and admins more than willing to help out.
  2. Before we go on, I might add that a communist server could be one where everyone ran it, or there were no owners http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communism Anyhow, By Details ING:CountAntonius(Forget Something?) Age: 17 From: Bottom of the world (Auckland, New Zealand) Games I play: Tekkit(I am applying for a tekkit server am i not?) Skyrim?!, Other Games?! Not sure what you want here?\ Position: I'm reasonably good at building, so Maybe builder? or just member, If you think I'm up to it, I'm more than willing to be a mod, but in my experience(I've run one or two servers) you would never just ask randoms on the internet to be mods, So I'll just be a member/builder for the time being. Mostly Avalible: Last year of Collage/Highschool(Not sure where you're from so not sure what you call it?) so mostly 2-3 hours after school, most of the day on the weekends. However, New Zealand is out of sinc with the rest of the world, so for all I know, I might be night if you live in the US?. On a final note, I'm just content to have a small server to play on, with a friend, No I'll make a quick application for a friend, but if you want him to do the application in person, I'll just tell him ING: Digmansam Age:17(In my year) From:Same as me Games He plays: Tekkit, among others(Dota, Hon, LoL, Etc) Position: Member, I'll get back to you Mostly Available: Same as me, but as he is recovering from cancer he's at home allot, so times are flexible P.S. Yay, BIG post
  3. Well, Apart from the slight problem of downtime, this server is really cool. good staff, good spawn, good community. And I'm being 100% sincere, which is a rare thing.
  4. I'm Perplexed How exactly do you un-protect chests, or is that even possible?
  5. I know, but my friend is a mechanic, so he should be able to place them
  6. The only reason he's posted here is because he's to lazy to make a proper post, so he's been declined from the main server posing sub-forums. Now, instead of being a smart cookie and putting something called 'effort' into his post, he just finds a sub-forum with the word server in it, and posts on there.
  7. How many more threads about this are going to happen before something is done about it.
  8. hasn't this already been done on that thread in the whale box. you know, the one with the computer expert, the one whos better at computers than everyone in the WORLD. MWAHAHAAH
  9. Thanks for the replies
  10. OK, so I am about to start up a whitelist server for tekkit, and hope to advertise on these forums. Am i allowed to offer donation perks, and use buycraft. I just want to make sure before I do.after all, i know about the webpage that must not be named.....bzzzz
  11. I was just wondering, are you allowed to offer donation perks on servers. just wondering.

  12. I used Norton because it had the longest free trial. that was before I discovered avast
  13. the world will explode.and what exactly is a 'password seam'. to my knowledge a seam is a connection between two bits of material
  14. Very true, most of those lets plays are absolute s**t.
  15. I hardly even use equivalent exchange. I prefer to be a more scientific type. I don't really bother about D/R matter furnaces. i much prefer induction furnaces. on the other hand, I do use DM tools, destruction catalyst and a MK3 energy collector flower. power rings are just so overpowered.
  16. also, what specs does your computer have. RAM,CPU, graphics card, etc
  17. no, you would have to put the x32 files into the x64 one, and even then, the mod textures would still be x64, just the terrain file, items, etc, would be in x32. if your lucky, you might find some sphax textures in x32, but not many
  18. or, instead of using a complicated machine, you could use a mining laser. netherack has really low blast Resistance, so it would be easy with a bat-pack and mining laser set to explosive
  19. there were. there is download on the page http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/64x-sphax-purebdcraft-tekkit-3-technic-7-1-mocreatures.910/
  20. x128 means 128 by 128 pixels x64 means 64 by 64 so yes, resolution
  21. Unfortunately, if you computer can't handle the texture pack, it can't handle the texture pack. only way to fix that is to upgrade your computer
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